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A Play-By-Email Campaign Set In The Post-Apocalyptic World of

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The setting for our game is in the far, far future, but to fully understand the nature of this setting you must know about the future's past...

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In 2050 the United Nations becomes the world-wide government it always pretended it was. Under their guidance and strict regulation, whole nations begin changing their industrial systems to be less environmentally hazardous, and in some cases environmentally beneficial. A single, world-wide currency is instituted, and many ailing economies are forgiven their international debts.  All military weaponry is turned over to the U.N. to be destroyed save for ten percent.  This remainder is earmarked for use by the internation UN Police Force, to insure peace and to protect the world from terrorism and violent uprising.

At the same time, the exploration of space is promoted to the point that by the year 2096, the mapping and geological surveyal of our solar system is complete.  Mining of Jupiter's moons is begun.  Plans for permanent lunar and Martian installations are on the board, with the latter being a starting point for major mining operations. Advanced robotics and laser science arise their current infancy.

By 2236 the wealth and technology of Earth has increased sevenfold.  Robot butlers have become a fad among the rich and famous. The Moon and Mars colonies are flourishing. Hover vehicles are in wide use, and true flying cars are being developed. The first interstellar space vessel launches from orbit around Neptune, headed for Alpha Centauri.   This Golden Age is not to last, however.

Between the years 2239 and 2244, several unexplained disasters in space cause political and economic tension to be felt literally across the solar system. Society and technology continues to progress, but the member nations of the UN begin to be suspicious of their neighbors for the first time in centuries, and nationalistic patriotism becomes prevalent.   All this comes to a head when an incredible source of new metal is discovered on Mars and the Colonial Government moves to monopolize it by declairing themselves a free nation, separate from UN rule.  This sparked the first inter-planetary war.

By 2284, Mars was able to force the UN to accept its conditions of peace.  A treaty is signed and trade begins between the two powers.  However, the U.N. has begun to slowly crumble.  In 2306 the U.N. is disbanded after a nasty battle in the Middle East in which several nations were involved. Over the years of war with Mars, many new weapons were created and built... and smuggled, sold, or stolen only to be mass-produced and introduced back into society.

On the morning of August 15, 2315 (a day which would come to be called the "Day of Terrors"), the heavens were filled with a violent shifting glow of colors. The sky pulsated for hours and people all around the globe trembled in fear. It is not clear who fired the first shot (indeed some say it was not fired from any country on Earth, but was rather sent from Mars), but it is known that Washington D.C. and all of the territory for miles around was the first to be destroyed.

The end came quickly after that. Several contengiency measures were automatically carried out by any number of nations and powers. Panic ensued and the sky was filled with weapons and rays of mass destruction. The power that was unleashed was unlike anything man had ever beheld. Mountains fell and seas were burned dry. Coastlines were swallowed by the oceans and forests were consumed by volcanoes. By the end of the day only 1 in every 10,000 people across the planet had survived. A full third of the surviving population were dead within the following year.

Whole coastal regions (literally all of Florida, for example) were completely wiped out. Every country's capital and every major city were the first to be entirely eliminated. It was the populace of the country-side, mostly, and those with the very best bomb shelters that were left to deal with Hell on Earth.

The world was then given a second chance. The mixture of biochemical agents and radiation had a profound affect on those that could survive it.  Instead of simply sickening and dying, they adapted.  Within their minds and bodies they untapped and developed great powers. Those that were strong enough to resist even these changes were made much stronger by them, as well....

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And Thus, Our Story Begins...


This website was designed and created by Jack Butler.   Please contact him with any questions or comments.  Gamma World is wholly owned by TSR, Inc, a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast.  No challenge to any copyright or trademark is intended.   Unless otherwise noted, all material presented on this website is the creation of Troy Spencer, and may not be reproduced without his express permission.