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 Our purpose is to help people make the most profit off of their real estate transactions. We specialize in assisting clients with making strategic improvements to their homes for maximum profits. Maybe you've seen "Designed to Sell" and you intend to make some changes to your property before you sell. Why not make the changes now, and not only enjoy the upgrades, but benefit now in the increased equity in your house. See how we did, and used the money to buy a second property. We can also help clients see where they can save money in the financing of real estate including purchase and refinance loans. Savings can occur in not only the interest rate but also in the points and other closing costs.

Please contact Cindy for real estate sales and improvement at (760) 707-6716
Please contact Anne for real estate financing at (760) 707-6718

  Let us help you live a successful, joy-filled life.

Photo of Anne Sneller

 Please contact Anne for real estate financing at (760) 707-6718


Photo of Cindy Sneller

 Please contact Cindy to find, sell, rent out or sell a house at (760) 707-6716

Send e-mail: Sales@AppraisalBoosters.com

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