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Limit Breaks

Limit Breaks are STRONG attacks when u get attacked a lot.....its like getting REALLY mad and pay back with a REALLY STRONG attack!!!!!!!When u use your first limit attack a lot u will learn another.I will say when u have a limit break, then u will attack with it and if u have used it a lot then i will let u learn a new one.If u have any questions just e-mail me!

Limit Breaks for Sword

Performs a leaping chop that slices his sword directly down the middle of the enemy.

slashes at an enemy three different times from different directions, causing heavy damage and sometimes paralysis.

Blade Beam
Sends a wave of blue energy toward his opponent. This attack works well with a group of enemies; when it hits one of them, it sonicly bounces off and hits remaining opponents.

Shoves his sword into an enemy and then leaps high into the air, pulling his sword through them.

Jumps in the air and unleashes devestating meteors upon his foes.

Finishing Touch
Creates a huge tornado that either sucks his enemies up and makes them disappear or slams them into the ground.

Hits his opponent with a long series of sword slashes that causes ma1_includes/ssive damage to one or a group of enemies.

Limit Breaks for Staffs

Healing Wind
A healing wind surrounds the party and recovers a majority of lost HP.

Seal Evil
Casts a spell on a group of enemies causing them to become stopped and silenced.

Breath Of Earth
Magical beams of light cure the entire party of any abnormal status.

Fury Brand
Blasts the party with Fury, instantly bringing each of them to their Limit Breaks.

Planet Protector
Forms a protective barrier around the party, making them completely invincible for a brief period of time.

Pulse Of Life
Completely cures the entire party of any abnormal status as well as restores each member to their full HP and MP.

Great Gospel
Cures the entire party, then forms a protective barrier around them, making them completely invincible for a brief period of time.

Limit Breaks for Gloves

Beat Rush
Hurls self at the enemy and pounds it with a wide variety of brutal physical attacks.

Does a whirling somersault kick against the enemy.

A sweep-style kick damages enemies with water element.

Back slams the enemy.

Dolphin Blow
Uppercuts the enemy accompanied by a geyser of water rushing up with a dolphin atop it.

Grabs the enemy, leaps into the air, and body slams them brutally against the ground.

Final Heaven
Summons a reign of nuclear power from the heavens onto the enemy.

Limit Breaks for Hand-Guns

Big Shot
Fires a massive ball of hot energy from his gun which slams and explodes against the enemy.

Fires a massive ball of hot energy from his gun which slams and explodes against the enemy, draining MP.

Grenade Bomb
Launches a grenade towards the enemy after successfully targeting them.

A Powerful punch knocks the enemy right out of the battlefield (ineffective against bosses).

Satellite Beam
A satellite in orbit locks onto the enemies and hurls massive blasts of powerful energy across the battlefield.

Unleashes heavy amounts of ammo against the enemy.

Uses his gun arm to hover over opponents and shower them with a heavy plasma blast.

Limit Breaks for Spears

Boost Jump
Leaps into the air and comes down, driving his weapon into the enemy.

Lights a stick of dynamite with his cigarette and generously tosses it towards the enemy.

Hyper Jump
Leaps into the air and comes down, driving his weapon into the ground. A blue explosion damages all enemies.

Summons a dragon to attack a single enemy and transfer its HP and MP back to him.

Dragon Dive
Repeatedly pounces on the enemies causing massive damage during each attack.

Big Brawl
Jumps into the group of enemies and hits them with a series of brutal attacks.

Calls to the Highwind to unleash a massive amount of damage upon the enemies.

Limit Breaks for Headresses

Sled Fang
Swiftly shoots through an enemy, attacking with his powerful fangs causing considerible damage.

Lunatic High
Forms a yellow field, casting Haste around the party.

Similar to Sled Fang, this limit gives some HP and MP from of enemy attacked.

Stardust Ray
Calls upon the stars. They rain down from the sky and land on the enemies, causing massive damage.

Howling Moon
The moon causes u to go crazy, casting Berserk and Haste on urself.

Earth Rave
Inflicts his enemies with a series of 5 magical attacks.

Cosmo Memory
Howls to the moon and blasts his enemy with an enormous beam of fire.

Limit Breaks for Megaphones

Rolls two dice at the enemy. The total number rolled x100 is taken off in HP against the enemy. In certain cases, the same number on both dice doubles the damage.


A special limit is determined by what is selected during slots. There can be several different outcomes.

3 Stars Mog Dance
A tiny Mog appears, restoring all HP and MP to the entire party as well as healing them of all ailments.

3 Kings Toy Soldier
6 toy soldiers appear and attacks the enemy.

3 Bars Summon
Cait Sith uses a random Summon materia.

3 Mogs Transformation
Transforms into a giant version of himself. His teammates disappear until the battle has ended and their HP is reduced to 3333 and MP reduced to 333. Only Cait Sith gains experience from this battle.

3 Hearts Lucky Girl
Party's hit percentage is 100. Ensures perfect attack ratio against all enemies.

2 Cait Sith & 1 Bar Death To All
Although getting this is rare, this combination will kill the entire party instantly.

3 Cait Sith Instant Victory
Although getting this is rare, this combination will kill the entire enemy party instantly.

