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Classical Compact Discs Released SUMMER 2000


"Dvorak: Piano Quartet No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 87; Sonatina in G, Op. 100" Emanuel Ax and Robert McDonald, pianos; Isaac Stern, violin; Jaime Laredo, viola; Yo-Yo Ma, cello CD on Sale
Recorded in 1996, this disc captures an all-star quartet performing one of Dvorak's best chamber pieces, the Piano Quartet No. 2. Emanuel Ax and Yo-Yo Ma steal the show on this brooding but beautiful work. On "Sonatina in G Major," Stern gets his time in the spotlight, performing the work in a highly stylized and sophisticated fashion along with pianist Robert McDonald.

Fazil Say, piano; Kurt Masur, cond.; New York Philharmonic
CD on Sale
Fazil Say's take on the music of George Gershwin is not for the faint of heart, but it is engrossing. On Gershwin's piano miniatures, Say proves he can improvise as well as any jazz musician, and on the two longer works--"Rhapsody in Blue" and "I Got Rhythm Variations"--the pianist and the New York Philharmonic breathe new life into these warhorses. His side-by-side takes of "Summertime"--one reflective, one dizzying--are a highlight.

"Mendelssohn: String Quintets No. 1 & 2"
CD on Sale
Felix Mendelssohn's string quintets are sadly overlooked, but this new disc by period instrument group L'Archibudelli sheds plenty of light on these graceful works. Though 20 years separate the two string quintets, there's no denying that they're both beautiful masterpieces--the first is melodic and warm, while the second is energetic and more complex. Great playing and a perfect balance between the instruments make this CD a must-have for Mendelssohn lovers.

"Rautavaara: Piano Concerto No. 3: Gift of Dreams;" "Autumn Gardens"
Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano and cond.; Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
CD on Sale
With his "Gift of Dreams" piano concerto--commissioned by Vladimir Ashkenazy under the guideline that he wanted to both conduct and play on the piece--Finn Einojuhani Rautavaara asserts himself as no less than one of the most gifted composers alive today. Engrossing, atmospheric, and exciting, Rautavaara created what may be the 21st century's "Rhapsody in Blue"--a thoroughly original composition filled with intense passages that slowly unfold over time. A soon- to-be classic!

"Satie: The 4 Handed Piano"
Pascal Roge and Jean-Philippe Collard, pianos; Chantal Juillet, violin
CD on Sale
French pianists Roge and Collard deliver one of the more interesting discs of Erik Satie available, bypassing the flowery sentimentality that flaws so many Satie discs. Here they perform "Parade" without the orchestra or pyrotechnics (no gunshots or sirens) to reveal the piece's inner beauty-- tempo changes, mood swings, and all. Lesser-heard gem "Things Seen to the Right and Left (Without Eyeglasses)" is Satie's only work for violin and piano; it's a short work filled with charm. ("Fumbling fugue," anyone?)

"[The late piano sonatas] are where you really encounter the substance of Beethoven. For a long time I believed tradition in the form was an impediment to what he had to offer. As his compositions evolved, this organic element comes to the fore. It's as if all of a sudden what's expressed in these sonatas really has nothing to do with the piano--has nothing to do with the interpreter, but becomes something that is totally free from any vehicle or form. The content takes center stage over form and tradition, even over the sonority. How could that not be more attractive?" --Pianist Helene Grimaud on the art of interpreting Beethoven

Read our interview with Grimaud...!

You can find Helene Grimaud's recording of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 at
CD on Sale

Sometimes tried-and-true just won't work. Here's a look at some recommended music from the cutting edge.

"Steve Reich: New York Counterpoint; Eight Lines; Four Organs/Bang on a Can"
CD on Sale
Gathering three 1970s works originally found on the 10-CD Steve Reich box set "1965-1995," this disc captures some of the minimalist composer's most eclectic works (no small feat!). "New York Counterpoint" requires a lone clarinetist (in this case B.O.C.'s Evan Ziporyn) to play against prerecorded clarinet passages of himself; "Four Organs" follows the simple, subtle chord progressions of four Farfisa keyboards. "Eight Lines" is the CD's most complex piece, where the eight melodic lines of an octet interweave with fascinating results.

Kronos Quartet
CD on Sale
On "Caravan," Kronos enters world music territory with a disc that incorporates music from Eastern Europe, India, the Middle East, Argentina, and the U.S. They perform these gypsy-inspired compositions with plenty of spirit and intensity, as well as the usual Kronos Quartet creativity. As an album closer, Kronos even performs "Miserlou Twist" (made famous by surf rock pioneer Dick Dale), proving they still haven't forgotten their rock, er, classical roots.

"Home Grown" New Century Saxophone Quartet
CD on Sale
Granted, saxophone quartets are an acquired taste, but on "Home Grown"--a collection of original commissions for the New Century Saxophone Quartet--the ensemble works wonders. Lenny Pickett's "Saxophone Quartet No. 2" is indebted to the blues and jazz; Ken Valitsky's "Saxomaphone" incorporates all the cliches of bop into one short dance piece; and Thomas Massella's "Three Lyrics for Saxophone Quartet" is earthy and poetic. In short, there's something for everyone here.

Brian Asawa : More Than A Day, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

J.S. Bach : Cants (4)/Christmas Oratorio/&, Jun 08 CD Sale Price

J.S. Bach : Ascension Cantatas, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J.S. Bach : Toccata/Partita/English Ste, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J.S. Bach : Essential Bach, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Thomas Beecham : Conducts Haydn/Dvorak/Berlioz/, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Beethoven/Brahms : Son Vc 1/2/Son Vc, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

L.V. Beethoven : Qts Str-Vol. 1, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

L.V. Beethoven : Qts Str-Vol. 6, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

L.V. Beethoven : Qts Str-Vol. 8, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

A. Berg : Con Chbr/Son Pno Op. 1/Qt Str, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Brahms : Sym 1/Alto Rhaps, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Brahms : Trio Hn Op. 40/Ser Op. 11, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

F. Bridge : Phantasy Trio/Trio Pno 2/Minia, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

A. Bruckner : Sym 8, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

John Cage : Seasons, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Sergiu Celibidache : Conducts Mussorgsky/Stravinsky, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Sergiu Celibidache : Conducts Bruckner-Sym 7-9, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Sergiu Celibidache : Conducts Brahms-Sym 1-4, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

A. Corelli : Con Grossi (6), Jun 06 CD Sale Price

C. Debussy : Nocturnes/Iberia/Faun/Claire D, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Paul Derenne : Rare French Songs, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Jacqueline Du Pre : Concerto Collection, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

G. Dufay : O Gemma Lux, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

E. Elgar : Barbirolli Elgar Album, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

M. Feldman : For Samuel Beckett, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau : Edition, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

George Gershwin : Rhaps In Blue/American In Pari, Jun 01 CD Sale Price

Angela Gheorghiu : Verdi Heroines, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Emil Gilels : Giant, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

G.F. Handel : Israel In Egypt, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Haydn : Qts Str Op. 76, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Haydn : Qts Str (6) Op. 33, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Haydn : Qts (6) Op. 20, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Haydn : Seven Last Words Of Christ, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Haydn : Qts Str Op. 77, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Christopher Herrick : Organ Dreams-2, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

P. Hindemith : Sym Serena/Harmonie Der Welt, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Vladimir Horowitz : Plays Rachmaninoff-Con 3/Son 2, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Josquin Desprez : Missa Pange Lingua/Motets, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Kim Kashkashian : Bartok/Eotvos/Kurtag, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

I. Khandoshkin : Folk Songs In The Russian Salo, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Z. Kodaly : Son Vc Op. 4/8/Duo Vn/Vc Op.7, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

F. Lehar : World Of Operetta, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Listen Learn & Grow : Lullabies, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

G. Mahler : Sym 10, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

G. Mahler : Sym 10, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

G. Mahler : Sym 2, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

F. Mendelssohn : Sym 3/4, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

F. Mendelssohn : Sym 3/Midsummer, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Nathan Milstein : Plays Handel/Mozart/Prokofiev, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Mozart/Haydn : Great Mass/Te Deum, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

W.A. Mozart : Late Qts Str (4), Jun 13 CD Sale Price

W.A. Mozart : Don Gionvanni-Comp Opera, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

C. Orff : Carmina Burana, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Z. Preisner : 10easy Pieces For Piano, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

S. Prokofiev : Con Vn 1/2/5/Ste Romeo & Julie, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Psalms From St. Paul's : Vol. 11-Psalms 119/136-38, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

G. Puccini : Tosco-Comp Opera, Jun 02 CD Sale Price

M. Ravel : Rhaps Espagnole/Mother Goose S, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

M. Ravel : Bolero, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Rimsky-Korsakov/Debussy : Scheherazade/Russian Easter Ov, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Scott Ross : Tribute To Scott Ross, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Sanctus : Aeon Sky, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Andreas Scholl : Sings Vivaldi, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

R. Schumann : Sym 3/4, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

R. Schumann : Sym 1/2, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

R. Schumann : Songs-Vol. 4, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Peter Serkin : Plays Beethoven Sons, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

D. Shostakovich : Sym 1-15/Orchestral Works, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

Shostakovich/Schnittke : Chbr Sym/Con Pno 1/Con Pno, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

I. Stravinsky : Shadow Dances, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

B. Strozzi : Cantatas, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

T. Takemitsu : I Hear The Water Dreaming, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Taverner : Missa O Michael, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Taverner : Missa Sancti Wilhelmi, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

J. Taverner : Western Wynde Mass, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

P.I. Tchaikovsky : Seasons/Theme & Vars/Dumka, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

Tokyo Phil Orch : Ste White Haired Girl/Ovt Spri, Jun 01 CD Sale Price

Mitsuko Uchida : Plays Schubert-Son 14/17, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

A. Vivaldi : Concerti Della Natura, Jun 06 CD Sale Price

A. Vivaldi : Cons Fl Op. 10, Jun 13 CD Sale Price

K. Volans : Cicada Duets, Jun 13 CD Sale Price


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