22 The Avenue: The Place Where We All Go

Welcome to 22 The Avenue.. My name is Keith. Born and raised in the great state of PA but am currently in the Navy so I'm not home right now.

Anyways, welcome to my page of humor. Alot of stuff here may be offensive to some of you. If you feel that you may get pissed off because of the things in the page, then I'd suggest you leave now.


Here is some stuff about me.

Born: 12/13/78

Where I live: I'm leaving this island finally. But I'll be living on another on in a few months. Hawaii that is:) I'm from PA.

Marital Status: Single. Looking for that special someone.

Hobbies: Going to concerts, hanging with my buds, playing pool and drinking MGD and Long Islands at the local sports bar, going to the movies, reading Ranma 1/2.

Favorite bands: Iron Maiden, Metallica, The Beatles, Alice in Chains, The Who, Queen...

Favorite types of music: Hard rock, classic rock, metal (I can't stand rap)


DISCLAIMER: Disney or any other company is not affiliated with this site. They do not promote anything in this site. Please do not sue me. I'm just one poor soul.

The Oh-So-Very-Rare Winnie the Pooh Tapes

When The Simspons Actually Age

The Darker Side of Disney

The Not-So-Well-Known Carebears


(this excludes any Maiden album
because the list would be way too long if I didn't)

The Beatles: The White Album - This album is a pinnical of rock music.

Megadeth: Rust In Peace - Megadeth's best album.

Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here - An underated album.

Cradle of Filth: Crulety and the Beast - My fellow Laplanders will most likely disagree with me on this. Oh well.

Rainbow: Rainbow Rising - Don't let the name fool you. These guys are NOT gay. Plus Ronnie James Dio is my favorite rock vocalist...well next to Ian Gillan.

Deep Purple: Machine Head - Just outstanding!

Pantara: Vulgore Display of Power -Too bad they ain't making albums like this anymore.

AC/DC: Back in Black - Perhaps the best hard rock album ever made.

David Bowie: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars - A must have album for Bowie fans.

Guns N' Roses: Appitite of Destruction - This album kicks.

Judas Priest: Pain Killer - A kick-you-square-in-the-nuts metal album.

Arcturus: La Masquerade Infernale - One of the best albums I've ever heard. It is deffinantly something different. The song "The Chaos Path" sounds a bit like Pink Floyd's "The Trial" and has a cool circus feel to it.

Metallica: Master of Puppets - My faovrite Metallica album.

Major Hails To The Following People
God (okay, so he's not a person), Mom and Dad, Chad (Who would have thought after all these years we'd still be the best of friends), Matt "The Hammer" and Andrea (may you two stay together forever), Beers, Kathy Jo, The Samo Family, Jon Meyers (funniest guy I know and am proud to be friends with), Jeff (although your ass is back in Miami you are still my bro), Kirsten, William, Jon Hall (if you turn raver I will nail your balls on a cross), and all my metal brothers and sisters at Lap Land Metal and Metal Warriors.

Rants and Raves

Here's my email address

Please sign my guest book. Write what you think about my page (good or bad) or what you think I should add to it.

My Favorite Web Sites

Website to the greatest metal band in the world - Iron Maiden
Iced Earth's official web site
News on Mortal Kombat games
Order your music at CDnow.com
This is the place to get your gaming news
For all us wrestling fans
An AWESOME site that mixes wrestling with South Park