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UNIX Administration Essentials

SUN Solaris 2.6 -- 2.7


This course is intended for individuals who want to become an entry-level Solaris administrator. We will start with an introduction to the UNIX operating system and then focus specifically on the installation, configuration, tuning and trouble-shooting of SUN Solaris version 2.6 and 2.7.

This course syllabus should be used to determine whether the course is appropriate for the student, based on current skills and technical training needs. Course content, prices, and availability are subject to change without notice.

At Course Completion

At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the system strategy for Solaris operating environment, install and configure the operating software; create and managing user accounts; install and remove application software and system patches; design and implement backup procedures; understand and implement network file systems (NFS) and Auto-File Systems (automount); install and managing local and network printing; create and managing IDE and SCSI hard disk drives; understand and implement basic information name service (DNS, NIS+); and recognize problems related to and design solutions for system securities.


Course Materials and Software

Students will be provided with handouts outlining the discussion topics and lab exercises for each week. The handouts will sometimes also detail the skills that a student is expected to learn and projects to be implemented after class.

Textbooks are not provided. Students are responsible for the purchase of their own copies of the books. The following books are recommended:


Students will also be provided with the following software for use in the classroom:

Module 1: UNIX operating system and Solaris operating environment


History of UNIX and distributed computing

Solaris operating environment: SunOS, OpenWindows, DeskSet and CDE

UNIX operating system design: hardware core, kernel, shell, application.

Roles of servers and clients

Host configuration: standalone and diskless clients

Software terminology

Users: superuser (root) and user

System Access: user account and password, special systems accounts

Logging in!


Boot up UNIX systems

Loggin in as root

Desktop environment: OpenWindows environment and CDE

Commonly used desktop tools

Module 2: Basic System Concepts and Administration Tools


UNIX file systems – file tree, file-based operating system

Commands (case sensitive): pwd, cd, ls, more, grep, mv, cp, ln, rm, rmdir mkdir, touch, and cat

Graphics Interface (File manager)

Text Editors: vi, and window-based text editor

Using vi


Use various commands

Use vi to create and edit a file

Module 3: System Management


System boot and shutdown procedures

System run-levels

Boot sequence

Change run-levels: shutdown, halt, init, reboot, stop-A commands

Managing user accounts

admintool: an overview

Commands (group add, groupmod, groupdel; useradd, usermod, userdel, and passwd)

home directory, default shells and initialization files for users and superusers


Managing System Security

Owner, group, and permissions

chown and chgrp commands

Setting permission using symbolic names

Using Octal numbers

Setting the default file mode (umask)

Set UID and GID

Tracking security using aset


Reboot, power-off systems

Create user accounts using both admintool and commands

Set and change permissions of files and directories

Module 4: Managing Devices


Solaris Device Names

Device terminology

eeprom device mappings (electronically erasable programmable read only memory)

(printenv, setenv commands)

OpenBoot Monitor physical Names: name@address:arguments

Logical device names (alphabet Soup Device Names)

Displaying system configurations: prtconf, sysdef

Reconfiguring device information (boot –r)

Adding a SCSI disk

Using the format utility

Viewing the VTOC (volume table of contents) with the prtvtoc utility

Types of file systems (ufs, hsfs, pcfs, nfs, tmpfs, cachefs, lofs, procfs, and swapfs)

Creating new file system (newfs /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#)

Identifying file systems mounted (df, mount, /etc/mnttab)

Mounting file systems (mount –o option, option, … disk_device mount_point

Starting and stopping volume manager: /etc/inet.d/volmgt start or /etc/inet.d/volmgt stop


Use device management commands: prtconf, sysdef, boot –r, prtvtoc, newfs, df, mount, volmgt start or stop

Module 5: Managing Software


Software concepts: groups (configurations: core, end user, developer, and entire), clusters (OpenWindows Version 3), and packages (SUNWman)

Software maintainance Utilities: pkginfo, pkgadd, pkgrm, pkgchk

Graphic interface tools: admintool


Add a JetDirect package using "pkgadd –d /cdrom/hp_jetadmin/unix solaris.pkg"

Use admintool

Module 6: Managing Terminals, Modems, and printers


Serial devices

Service Access Facility (SAF)

Service Access Controller: SAC

Port monitors: TTY port monitor (ttymon) and Network listen monitor (listen)

Setting up terminals, and moderms using admintool.


printing terminology: printing daemon—lpsched, print client and print server. spool directory, output filters (ascii to ps)

Printer setup: setup a local printer, and setup a remoter printer.

Access control: lpadmin –p basement –u deny:john

Starting and stopping the printing service: lpshut and /usr/lib/lp/lpsched, to check use lpstat –r.

Configuring and using HP JetDirect for network printing


Use sacadm, pmadm, and ttyadm

Install local and remote printers using admintoolModule 7: System Backups


Why backup?

What files need backups?

Types of backups

Backup commands: /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsdump, ufsrestore, tar, cpio, and dd

Automatic backup using scripts and crontab.


Use ufsdump, ufsrestore, and tar to backup and restore file systems.

Module 8: Bourne Shell Scripting


Basic shell features

Environment and local variables

Setting variables from .login

Using metacharacters, redirection characters, and quotation marks in scripts

Statements: which statement, loop control statements (for, while,); conditional statements (if conditional and case conditional)


Change environmental variables

Use metacharacters

Write simple scripts to automate backup

Module 9: Network configuration and Management


TCP/IP protocol suite

Network address and host address

Name services: /etc files, DNS and NIS+ -- an introduction

Netmasks, subnets, and routers

Local configuration files: /etc/hosts, /etc/netmask, /etc/nodename, /etc/, /etc/services

Trouble-shooting tools: ping, spray, snoop, traceroute


Configure local network files.

Module 10: Solaris Installation


Three types of installation: Web start, Custom Jumpstart, and Interactive; their strengths and weaknesses.

Web start: minimum system requirements

Custom Jumpstart: sysidcfg file, rules file, and profile files

Interactive: related issues and pitfalls


Interactive installation

Module 11: Network File Systems


Function and terminology: share and mount, servers and clients, Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Setting up an NFS server: temporary and permanent ways.

share –F nfs –o ro=engineering, rw=sales –d "local programs" /export/home

Setting up NFS clients: temporary and permanent ways.

mount –o rw=engineering server:/export/home /home

Start the daemons: /etc/init.d/nfs.server start and /etc/init.d/nfs.client start

NFS file system mount options: rw/ro, hard/soft, suid/nosuid, bg/fg, intr/nointr, retry=n, timeo=n

Automounting NFS with automount

Automount services: /etc/init.d/autofs start or /etc/init.d/autofs stop

Automount maps: master map: /etc/auto_master; direct map: /etc/auto_direct; indirect map: /etc/auto_home


Set up NFS servers and NFS clients

Set up automounter

Module 12: Network Name Services


NIS+: root server, master server, replica server, and client, NIS+ tables,

NIS+ user commands

NIS+ administrator commands

NIS+ domains and objects

Configuring a NIS+ domain: /usr/lib/nis/nisserver, nispopulate, and nisclient

Domain Name Service (DNS): Domain tree, DNS servers, and clients,

Configuring primary name servers, secondary name servers, and caching name servers.

DNS resource records: SOA, NS, A, PTR, MX, CNAME, TXT, RP

Setting up a DNS server and a DNS client

Using NIS+ with DNS: /etc/nsswitch.conf


Set up a NIS+ root master server, master server, replica server

Set up a NIS+ client

Set up a DNS client

Module 13: Where to go from here?


Job hunting

Other topics: Solstice AdminSuite, Custom WebStart installation, scripting, NIS+

Practice, practice, and practice!!!