Fallen Angel Industries Pariah

Name: Pariah

Players: 1

Genre: Adventure

Okay, I've actually begun work on this game now, so hopefully, it'll go somewhere. I'm currently working on backgrounds, which are looking awesome. But it's taking me a long time, so I don't know when I'll be ready for a demo.

Pariah takes place in the afterlife, in an afterlife that is different from any you've seen. When you die, you are sent to the Tribunal, where your actions during life are judged, and your path in the afterlife is determined. If you had a life in which you had strength in mind and karma, this strength is converted to power in the afterlife, and you are sent to Elysius. Those who were weak and succumbed to temptation during life are stripped of mental power, and turned into beasts. They are sent to Perdisus. Others, whether they killed themselves, killed others, or committed other treacherous acts in life, are sent to the city of Limbo, where they must spend time learning. But, if one is courageous enough, it may fight its way to a different world, and attempt to prove itself.

You play the role of a spirit who was sent to Elysius because of his good karma, but wished to go to Perdisus. On his journey through Styx, which is the path to each of the three worlds, he changed courses, and fought his way to Perdisus. But he was being watched by the keepers of order, the Balancers. And they didn't want such power going into the hands of evil.


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