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Welcome to the DryCamel Website!!

The DryCamel Website is currently undergoing a huge amount of maintenance and remodeling to make it easier, funner, and more enjoyable to's dedicated viewer.

However, while it is undergoing construction it will still be available for you to feast your eyes upon. I will update each page as time permits, and will replace an old page with a finished new page one at a time. As a result, there will be a little inconsistancy until the renovation is complete. But still feel free to enjoy it as you have so many times before. And if this is your first time, then be sure to check back in a few weeks. I know it is hard to believe, but I do have a life outside of this don't expect it to be done tomorrow or anything. Check back in a few weeks, or if you are really into it (what a friendless, meaningless, bored LOSER you must be), email me your address and I will let you know when it is done. My email address is at the bottom of the main is by a mailbox graphic -- just use a little common sense.

Now that the disclaimer is over and you are dying of anxiety, you may click on the following link to travel to the REAL main page of the DryCamel website. Whoo-hoo!!!

Click Here to Enter DryCamel World!!!