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Part 31

Alex had planned her prank very carefully and had come up with what she thought would be perfect.

They were on the tour bus now, heading to their next stop in Spain. Alex and Nick were on Aaron's bus for the trip and both were not acting normal what so ever. Nick kept watching his back, thinking that Alex was an amateur and that she would never get him. Alex watched Nick, always watching his back and smiled to herself...tomorrow he would know what kind of games she could play.

Alex knocked softly on the door, and Aaron opened it for her, "What are you going to do?" He asked

Alex had asked him to let her in so she could set up her prank before Nick woke up. "I'm going to put something in the shower.."

"Like what?"

"Shh!! I'll tell you after, you both go to my room, you can set the Nintendo up in there if you want, I don't care just go and be QUIET!!"

"We'll just go watch a movie.."

"Okay," Alex whispered

As the boys snuck outa of the room Alex went into the bathroom and set up her prank


"SO what did you do?" Jason asked as Alex walked back in the room

I put a thing in the shower head, after the water runs for about 5-7 minutes it burst blue dye everywhere."

Aaron looked at Alex, "Nick isn't going to think this is funny."

"Don't worry it washes out...I'm just not going to tell him.."

Nick woke up and looked around for the boys. He assumed they had gone to Alex's room and got up to take a shower. He padded into the bathroom and turned the water on. He looked in the mirror and made a face, and then got in. He closed his eyes and tried to let the warm water wake him up. He heard a noise and opened his eyes, he was seeing blue. He wiped his face and then realized HE was blue. He stood out from underneath the water and almost yelled, it was blue!! He grabbed a towel and looked in the mirror, his hair was Blue!!

Alex had checked every few minutes to see if she could hear the water running, when she did she ran back to her room, but left the door cracked

Nick scrubbed his face and the blue started to come off, "I’m gonna kill her! I'm just gonna kill her!" he said to his blue image in the mirror, "I have a show tonight and my hair is blue!" Nick stormed outa his room to find Alex.

he was just about to beat on her door when it opened, "Good morning Nicky." Alex kissed him, "You look good in a towel but blue really isn't your color." Nick stood there like an idiot as Alex shut the door in his face.

A.J. opened his door and was about to walk out, but the sight of Nick in a towel with blue hair stopped him, "Carter, are you trying to steal my thing?!? Well, half of it at least, I don't usually run around in a towel..."

"Shut up A.J.!! I'm not trying to steal anything.." Nick stomped off to his room to get dressed.

Alex had let Nick suffer for only an hour before telling him that the blue would wash right out. She now sat alone in her room writing a letter, when something was pushed under the door. She went and picked it up, she unfolded it:

I've been watching you. You are very pretty, and very special to me. I hope that someday you can love me like I love you.

"What in the world..." Alex laughed, "what kind of trick was this suppose to be?"


Nick had gotten out of the shower to find a piece of paper on the floor in front of the door, he picked it thinking it was something the boys had dropped

I've been watching you. I don't like you. You better be careful. You wouldn't want Alex to suffer would you?

The note was typed, but Nick was sure Alex wouldn't have done this. For some weird reason, The note disturbed him and he went to talk to Alex


Alex was interrupted by a knock on the door. She tossed the paper in the trash, and went to find Nick at the door with a sheepish grin, "Can we talk?"

Alex looked at him, "..about?"

"Can we call of the pranks?"

Alex laughed thinking it was a joke, "Why would you want to call off the pranks?"

"Just because...that way we can just forget about it and have a fun trip."

Alex looked at him, "Well, okay...if you really mean it."

"I really mean it."

Something about the way Nick answered her, made Alex wonder, but she shrugged it off, "Are you going over the Arena?"

"Yeah, are you coming?"

"Yep." Alex answered grabbing her stuff and turned off the light.

Nick felt better as long as Alex was with him or in his sight. As they left the hotel Nick felt uneasy again and looked around, he didn't see anyone but he felt like he was being watched. He didn't notice the dark eyes behind the curtain on the 3rd floor window, they were watching him and Alex very closely.

Part 32
