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Undegaussable: Kramer's site where many a blog reside.


Incoming Danger LAN


My Live Journal-Enter at your own risk.

My Xanga, also Enter at own risk.

Remnats of one of my old sites.

Mahat's Site

Pretty much the best online computer store.

My Extensive collection of great pics!.....NOT

Lou's Artwork Homepage

A wonderful Flash movie site--check out the potter puppet pals

Happy Tree is pretty vile, but Been likes it!!

Under construction. come back later

This is my new redesigned site. Metaphysical hasn't seen much action lately, so when things sway that way, I'll put up a link to a Metaphysical site, but for now, THERE IS ONLY WAR!!!!

My table in its various stages of development

Khornate Predator pic

Been’s Trail Mix!

Don't email me stupid stuff please!

email me