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My SV Quiz!

This is my SV Quiz! please send the answers to me! good luck

1.How many SV series are there?

2.Who is Connor's best friend? old is Liz in SVH:SY,SVJH?

4.Who is Liz's Best friend in JH

5.whats Jess and Liz's dogs name?

6.Whats the twins parents name?

7.Whats Jessicas boyfriend in both SVH:SY & SVJH?

8.What is one reason Gel broke up with Lacy?

9.Who does Damon Ross Like Like?

10.Why is Maria mad at Liz in SVH:SY?

11.Why is Will mad at melissa in SVH:SY?

12.Who invited Liz to stay at the Mcdermont/Sandborn house?

13.Why will Tia be Heartbroken? many pills did Melissa take?

15.Why did Lacey and Kristen get in a fight in SVJH?