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''These pants are so tight. It's like I'm having sex with myself.'' Justin Timberlake in TV Guide on the leather pants he was wearing. So you know from experience?

OPENING STUFF:Uh, yeah. We haven't updated jack shit months? Frankly, we have no time. I concentrate most my time on the Metridium (go there! they are hot!) page and Jess has a job now. I also really don't like the Backstreet Boys anymore and 'NSYNC is ok but they are really trying to be black (eg. The Billboard Awards). So, the page will stay open but it probably won't be updated. Take the pictures, I couldn't give a fuck anymore. K? Rock on. Adios.

Amy & Jess

This site was last updated: January 13, 2001

Idiot(s) of the Week: If You Know, Call The Janesville Area Crime Stoppers.

This was in the Janesville Gazette, my towns paper. Janesville police are on the lookout for a missing person. She's, tall, blonde and made of cardboard. The manager of the McDonald's located at **** ****** Ave. called police around 9:30 p.m. Saturday to report that a stand-up poster of Britney Spears worth $20 had been taken from the restaurant.

OK, so if anyone sees someone running around with a big cut out of Britney, call the is stolen property. Way to go, Genius.

Have you seen an idiot that you would like posted on our page? LEMME KNOW


Critics often say that fans think that the music of boybands is incidental to their iconic appeal. I beg to differ. Let the fans speak for themselves.


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Now for the inevitable disclaimer: We are, (unfortunatly) not affiliated nor do we keep up communications with the Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter, or *N Sync. They belong to their respective owners. Everything on this website was acquired by the Ziki Girls. Also, all opinions expressed throughout the site are exactly that...O U R O P I N I O N S. Our last words of wisdom? This is Ziki's World; you are just living in it!

*PLEASE VISIT CDNOW!! The 'No Strings Attached' video is now on backorder, plus ALL KINDS of other AWESOME 'N Sync, BSB, Aaron & Moffatts stuff!! VISIT PLEASE!! Be sure to come back, though (hehehehe).

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Don't say we didn't warn ya!

''NSYNC fans need a good swift kick in the ass.'' Hahaha! This is from some girl's humor site I visited briefly. This quote is SO true! I'm so sick of 8-year-old-whiny-slutty-brats walking around screaming for Justin to take off his pants. Get a life! Read a book, or try to listen to the CD ONCE w/out envisioning sex. The 30-year-olds who are as DIE HARD as the 8-year-olds piss me off too. If you have nothing better to do than think about them 24-7 you have more serious psychological problems then you're prepared to deal with. God help us all....sorry for venting.

Ziki's Boyband ('NSYNC & BSB) w/ The Major Cutie---Aaron Carter