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Well Hello, Hello Hello!!!!! Glad you came back!!!!!! Well the NEW SEASON of VOYAGER STARTED!!!!!!! YEAH!!!

So Now the Review Of Equinox Part II is UP!!!!! *Warning, Reviews contain Spoilers. If you don't like to be spoiled then you may not want to read the review...*

P/T FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Season 6
Equinox Part II Oh what a Season Opener!!! It was very well done!!!! Janeway going all psyco, was great and to be honest I might have done the same thing....(especially if I was PMSing lol!) And ya know what? I would have treated Chakoty the same way!!! I just thought she was really strong and direct in this episode without the elusiveness and crankyness of last season. The doctor was really funny with his etihcal subroutines of when he was singing "dem bones" with a few of his own adaptions... I liked Ransom.....he was pretty cool in this episode...with his little crush on Seven.....well BIG crush on Seven....and once again I loved to hate Burke, and could barely control my self from running around in giddy laughter when He fried!!!!! That was funny!!!!! Over all it was a very good episode and I hope in this season we'll get to see a happier less depressed cast and have some fun too!!!***1/2
Season 5

Title Review Rating*****
Juggernaut This was an incredible episode and my congradulations goes to everyone that made it possible. It showed us more detail into the ever intriging character that is B'Ellana Torres while still giving us some P/T. I liked the acting and it just shows us what a strong person B'Ellana is.

One thing that has been bothering me is every time we get a B'Ellana episode she ends up dirty, bloody and sweaty?? and Seven just gets more make-up and prettier??? Not that I want B'Ellana in dresses and sweet all the time, just maybe one B'Ellana based episode where she is in a situation with her perspiration under control?

It shows us she is strong alright but maybe one where she is the smart one or the beautiful one? Seven doesn't need to be the hero all the time lets have her mess up her saran wrap and B'Ellana save the ship and not just from engineering but from the bridge in a command position?

Thats just a though, but over all I Loved this Episode.

Someone to Watch Over MeI Loved this episode it was funny, cute and fun something we haven't seen in a while so I was rejoiced to see this one!

On to the acting in this ep. IT WAS SPECTACTULAR!!! Tom Paris was adorable,sexy,charming...his usuall self. Might I add he did a great job with the directing. B'Ellana also did great and the opening scene with her and Seven was Hilarious! My tummy still hurts from Laughing!!!! The guest star Scott Thompson (Canadian Yeah!) was hilarious at first when he was serious I forgot it was him and thought: "yeah, another boring AOTW"....and then he got drunk and I laughed again, of course naming Tom "The ambassador of Humor"was cute. And how Nelix dealt with him also proved very funny. here Nelix made me wonder why people don't like him. Even the small lines by our crew when they weren't big in the ep. was perfect like when Nelix asked Chakotay what he should do with a drunk ambassador and he wished him luck. Or when Harry found out he was not a candadite and started to poke at her choices and Janeway's "Mabye you should try, your obviously curious" thing was also great. Which brings me to Seven I liked her she was funny and the interaction with her and Doc was great!!! Which of course brings me to Doc Great I Loved his role which proves he is just perfect on Voyager!(remember Message in a Bottle) Here he just proves give him a shot and he'll shine! There's always a great Doctor Episode near the end that just lightens up the whole season!

So all and all a Great, Flawless, extremely Humorous, and Cute episode.

11:59 I don't think I can give a totally fair review of this one because to be honest I didn't watch the whole thing. Janeway did do a good job with the acting(especially considering what she had to work with but the whole plot seemed kind of dumb. The stuff going on when they were in normal time was fine, talking about their past and all, but the whole millenium gate just seemed stupid to me. Maybe its because I feel the whole thing is being blown out of proportion but I think the writers were jsut trying to make something out of the whole Y2K thing.

Then of course there was the end which in my opinion was the best part of the show. And you all knew I was gonna say something about it.....yes thats right the picture! It was a quick small gesture but definatly worth it. "Family picture everyone come around the captain".....and what happens....Yeah thats right Tom hugs B'Ellana and she hugs back!!!!!

Well thats my review for the week, kind of short but I just didn't have much to say.

RelativityThis was a good episode and I liked it but I don't have much to say. Seven did a good job and I thought the plot was well done. I enjoyed the plot turns with Captain Braxton being the bad guy in the end it was good.

How cute was the Ping Pong competition??? With B'Ellana and Harry against Seven and Tom! Although I think it could have been better if Tom and B'Ellana were on the same team it was good that they were against each other. Over all I thought this was a good episode and if I see it again in the summer I will try to make this review a little better.

Warhead I liked this episode and Harry did an excellent job acting. And the doctor was usual (can you really tell I'm a doctor advocate?) Well the whole plot was good but it could always use more P/T however the opening scene was adorable with my little Tommy.

One thing that confused me a little: Its been almost 2 years since revulsion yet its only there first year aniversary. So then I thought well mabye time has been slower in trek land but they always have said 5 years in the Delta Quad??? Oh well its nothing to mull over.

Other than that I thought it was a great episode.

Equinox I thought this was a pretty good episode for a season finale and I like the idea of a cliffhanger except for the whole waiting for 4 months for the conclusion!!! Also something the finale lacked of last year and there was a whole lot more this year was the fact thay everyone was involved and for the most part equal and alot less seven/janeway nothing against them there just seems to be too much of them of course I don't want them to go just more time on other characters. Plus I think the best shows are the ones with the whole cast involved.

One problem with this episode was MAX BURKE!!! I hated him!!!!! but it was the good hate it was fun to hate him but he flirted to much with B'Ellana. Something that kind of buged me and maybe its just me but she seemed to be flirting with him and that was sooooo anoying!!!!!!!!!

Tom was as always completely adorable and I loved him like usual, "who's jealous?" He is to CUTE!!!!!

Like It? Hate It? Gimmie and e-mail! I'd love to hear from you!!!
