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Voyager Rants

This page was thought of when the people at Heather's P/T Message board were having a slow month and we started to rant about things that we found annoying with characters and the show, Star Trek:Voyager.

WARNING: The following is rated H for *Hilarious* so read at your own risk....we suggest not eating as it may end up somewhere unplanned, as well you better be sitting down in a sturdy chair because you may ROTFL so I'd watch out!!!!

"Mega Rant" is the first rant and is is hard to explain, so go ahead and read's hilarious.

"Major Janeway Rant" is about how mean she has been this last season and it gets really funny so I suggest you read it!

"Harry Rant" Is about, Harry and why he's annoying/not annoying and how he's changed.

"The Weirdness that is 7 of 9" We started to complain about Seven Which led to rumors about her, we were kind of lost and ended up with "Logic Baby"...So just read it!!
Thank You to Kat who organized all the rants. She is the "archivist".

These rants are really long (the size of alot of fanfics) so I suggest you sit down and relax some may take awhile!

The Ranters so Far.....

So On With The Rants!

Mega Rant!
Mega Janeway Rant
Harry Rant
The Weirdness that is 7 of 9
