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I wrote this poem when I was 15 and I was going through a really
depressing time, this poem was to cheer me up and still now when I read it,
it still makes me feel good. Often people forget what a great person
they are inside and that we should always be aware of that positive energy,
trying to escape the darkness that traps it deep inside!

Uniquely Beautiful

Oh, the world is unfair,
that I can hardly compair.
To the beauty that surrounds me
to feel so ugly in my dim light.
I feel... so withdrawn and angry
why do I have to be this way?
Why must I be so different to all those who surround me?
I seem to like to make my own depression,
the inevitable is to become of me!

But wait! Whats this I realize?
I'm not ugly!
Yes I am different!
Diversity is the spice of life!
I am the beautiful person,
they the ugly people!
They might mock me, make fun of me,
but only because of their materialstic jealousy.
They can't have my inner beauty,
nor my unique personality.
They only put down what they can't achieve, or get,
but want.

So there!
I am the beautiful one,
shuned by those ugly people who call me names.
I will show them true beauty,
by being myself... everyday!
For the wonderful great person...
That I am!

by Sherilyn Sutton
