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Blatant Babble! !@#$%^&*

I made up this poem the other day when I was in a weird sorta bored mood. It's all about how people come up to you and tell you some stupid story that you couldn't give a damn about, and has absolutely no significane in your life whatsoever it's not gonna do anything for your future references, it only takes up important brain space which could have been used for more useful information! Everyone does this, even me!

So I was walking down liquorice lane
while singing in the rice pilaf when a lamp walked by and said:
"Hey have you seen the late great Mr. Bojangles?" and I said "No man you've got it all wrong the sun sets in the tea pot not the moon!"
So he said "I see you have read
'Chick Pea Soup for the Tazmanian Soul'".
"Why yes I have been sitting under a table drinking erasable markers all my life" I replied.
He thanked me for my generous offers of mongolie dune beatles,
and was then on his way for a few cheap thrills at the house around the corner of John Smith's,
twice removed, once replaced misunderstood cousin.
Where he discussed politics with the sharks of the mirage.

By Sherilyn Sutton
