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is a bit different from your stories, I worked in the Independant Drivers
department in the Lakeland warehouse. Boy, do I have some news for thier

Let's start by me telling you what my job consisted of, I was responsible for
routing the drivers with 3 other people. I worked 2-10:30 sometimes 11:30.
When I would come in at 2, my job was to fax delivery info to each driver,
and the routine was that the drivers would decide in which order they wish to
make these deliveries, they would then fax routes back to us for us to key in
the computer, then the warehouse would start loading the trucks in that
order. Sounds pretty simple right?? WRONG !!
There were more conflicts getting people to turn on there fax machines,
answer thier phones, thier radios, then you could even dream. There were
times that we were still getting faxes at 11:00 at night causing a delay in
keying in the info, giving the warehouse to other choice but to put the load
on hold for the next day shift, the day shift would get pissed off because
they now have not only thier job to do but they have to load a truck that the
night shift loaders didn't do, I use to hear people just throwing stuff on
the trucks becasue they were pissed off, and being that I didnt come in until
2, you see that our loads were last on the day shift's list of to do's.Now,
you can imagine what a mess that was with just 1 driver turning in his route
late, but there were at least 5-8 of these a night. Then the drivers call
pissed off because thier trucks were late.All that crap results in sometimes
5 day delays from people argueing back and forth about whose job is what. I
don't completely blame the drivers, seeing that most of the time that they
didn't have thier fax machines on is because they were still making
deliveries up til 9:30 at night. You see instead of our supervisor " ANONYMOUS" hiring more drivers, he would just run these men 7-10 days straight with no
day off. Working 6am-9:30pm would be enough to give me a case of the " BIte
Me" attitude too. See, in that department, if the overhead is kept down,
everyone in that department gets an end of the year trip to somewhere like
Busch Gardens, Disney, places like that. So, the routers get to deal with all
this madness at night, while the real villins are at home sleeping or doing
whatever. We had one printer that was from like the 1970's and it sucked, the
paper would always get crimpled up in the machine and of course it would
happen when we were ready to print everything from that night out and ready
to go home. The boss would remind us the next day when we'd bring up needing
a new, " Oh no, that would be to much overhead, we still have plenty of life
out of this one. Well, I mentioned on a Sunday that I had to work, that this
routine just isn't working and something should be done about it, well that
next Monday I was fired for supposedly fratanising with the drivers, which I
had not. The drivers did flirt with me alot, but I would never let it go that
far. One of the drivers that liked me alot was called in for ANONYMOUS to lecture him because this driver had mentioned to one of the other girls that he was going to invite me to Miami which I had no knowledge of this, needless to say the driver shoved ANONYMOUS and another supervisor had to intervene, I think ANONYMOUS pride was hurt that this driver roughed him up and I think this also had some baring on him getting rid of me. This place is like " The Patent
Place' it is a big joke, and these are the people that are responsible for
making your deliveries?? LOL  I know I would never order anything from them
unless it would fit in my car and I could take it home from the store. Oh,
one more thing, I know they look at this page, because while I was working
there, they had this big ordeal about checking out all the stories on the
"Hate Page" everyday. There is one supervisor in that department but routes
for a different company and he is the GREATEST, I never seen him in the
office, because he was always out in the warehouse helping his drivers and
the loaders his name is ANONYMOUS, unlike some of the other dorks that
hide behind his nextel and computer.

Well, thanks for letting me submit my story, I hope I've shed some light as
to why people get thier deliveries late, and at times broken. Keep up the good
work, I love this page.


We will tell all our friends of our horrible used furniture experience because this was what  we received on one of the sofas, which we refused of course.
We will right a letter to Jeffrey Seaman, not that he probably cares by reading some of the HATE MAIL ON THE INTERNET, but I will make sure the Better Business Bureau hears about this and inform them if they don't already know about all the web pages out there in reference to bad service and Rooms To Go trying to sell used furniture.
We even had the delivery person who delivered our furniture make a note on our invoice and on his delivery ticket and he stated beside the one sofa, as this is the only one we had problems with, in his own writing and words"  USED SOFA" and initialed and signed our invoice and his delivery ticket.
How disgusting.
First time customer and now last time customer

This is a copy of an e-mail I just sent to Rooms to Go. Please post it. I wish I had known about this company's wrongdoing before I purchased all the furniture. I am thinking about calling the Better Business Bureau or a television station and reporting Rooms-to-Go! I wonder if it will help. Here is the letter I sent: I have had the unhappy experience of having bought some furniture from Rooms To Go back on October 3, 1999. My daughter also bought some furniture on the same date from the same store (Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise, FL). At the time of purchase I asked the Sales Associate, Sonya Reese, if all the furniture would be assembled, because my husband is handicapped and we would not be able to assemble the tables we had ordered. After repeatedly asking her if she was positive that the furniture would be assembled and being assured by her that it would be assembled, we went ahead and ordered the furniture. We were told that some of the furniture would arrive on October 30, and the remainder would arrive on November 15. On October 30, the delivery truck arrived with two of the tables in boxes and were running out the door when I told them that they had to assemble the tables. I was told "we do not assemble tables" and they very rudely left. I then called customer service and was told that Rooms To Go does not assemble tables. I told the customer service representative that I had been assured by Sonya Reese, who represents Rooms To Go that these tables would be assembled. Customer service was extremely rude with me, (which seems to be the case with most of the Rooms To Go employees I have had the displeasure to talk to). I was then told that an appointment had to be made to have someone come out and assemble the tables. I said that would be fine, but since only two tables had been delivered and I was still waiting for delivery of the third table, why not wait until November 15, and then have the person come out and assemble all three tables and save Rooms To Go from having to send someone out twice. They told me that was not possible and that I had to make an appointment for the two tables I currently had. I agreed to have someone come out and two weeks later someone did come to the house and did assemble to two cocktail tables. Also on the delivery of October 30, I received the lamp I ordered, but when I opened it the shade had a hole in it, and next to the hole was a bright orange round sticker. This sticker would seem to indicate to me that Rooms To Go already knew the lamp shade was defective, yet they still delivered it. I called Customer Service and told them about the shade. They told me not to worry, and just throw out the defective shade and they would send me a new one second day air. This was on October 30. I waited until November 23 and I still had not received the shade, at which time I called Customer Service once again. I was told they had no record of my first call regarding the defective shade, but they would send me out a new one. Well, they finally did send me a new shade, however, they sent me the WRONG COLOR!!! I receive a call from Rooms To Go that my delivery of November 15, has now been delayed until DECEMBER 15! Well, I hope I have someone's attention now, because this gets better. Today, December 15, I was to receive the one cocktail table that was never delivered. The truck arrives, they knock on the door, go to the truck and come back and tell me that they can't find the cocktail table and if they find it later on in the day they will come back. As you can well imagine I am not a happy camper with Rooms To Go. I call the Sawgrass Mills, Sunrise, Florida store and ask to speak to a "manager". I am told the managers, Julie and Bob, do not get in until 10:00. I leave a message for one of them to please call me. Of course, 3 hours pass and no one calls me. I call the store 3 times and finally get "Bob" on the telephone. I explain all of the above to him and he tells me it isn't his fault and he will call me back with a solution to the cocktail table disappearance. I also mention the lamp shade, and he tells me to go into the showroom and they will give me the correct lamp shade. I ask him why do I have to go to the showroom again, why can't he just send me the correct lamp shade. His response is that he doesn't know which lamp shade I ordered. Bob promised he would have the table delivered today or tomorrow. Bob left a message on my answering machine this afternoon that the table would now be delivered on Saturday, December 18, and if I had any problem with the delivery people not "wanting" to assemble the cocktail table, to call him and he would arrange for someone to come out and assemble it. Obviously, Rooms To Go has a policy of : A. Not keeping records of what customers order B. Not making their employees responsible for anything C. Not keeping their promises D. and, last, but certainly not least -- NOT CARING A company is only as good as its reputation. Customer service and satisfaction should be the number one priority for a company that wants to stay in business. From the challenges I have had with your company so far, it seems to me that customer service and satisfaction is not a priority and that "making the sale" is what your company is all about. I certainly hope that the president of Rooms To Go gets a copy of this email, and I certainly look forward to a response and explanation of all the miscommunications, delayed deliveries, misplaced deliveries, incorrect information and rude employees I have had to deal with for the past 3 months. If the employees of Rooms To Go are not, (as they are very quick to tell me), "responsible", then I assume the president of Rooms To Go must be. I certainly hope this will be the last communication I have with your organization.

The most pathetic excuse for a company I have ever seen b. Referral to the Better Business Bureau, State Economics Division of Commerce Dear Sir: Since November of 1999 I have been trying to get a bed and mattress delivered from Rooms to Go in Macon, Georgia. 5 times they have come out and each time the order has been incomplete. 1. Today the driver just left and didn't even wait when I told him to while I was on the phone with Carl the Manager of Rooms To Go in Macon on 1-22-00 at 5:22 pm. The first time they delivered my king size canopy bed the supports under the mattresses were not installed right, nor the canopy top and the headboard had a big gouge in the top and was damaged. Also the mattress was damaged with strings hanging all over it. They said they would reschedule and redeliver. No one bothered to call me. I spent almost two days trying to get through to customer service when I did they assured me it would be correct the next time and all would be ok. The next available delivery date was at least 3 weeks away. 2. They return 3 weeks later with mattress only and not bed. Mattress they brought is also damaged. When drivers cut away plastic from mattress cut the whole bottom of the mattress webbing. Have to spend hours calling back customer relations again. Rescheduled again for Saturday only and took off work again. 3. During the middle of the week Rooms to Go shows up in the middle of the day without calling or anything, I was just on my way back to work from lunch. I asked what they were doing here and said they were there to exchange bed. I told them it was suppose to be scheduled for a Saturday and I had to get back to work. They said they would reschedule. Called customer relations again and so forth. 4. On Saturday January 8th Willie the driver shows up without all the pieces for the bed. Talked to Dianne the Dispatcher and because bed parts were missing they would reschedule when they had it all together. 5. Stayed at home from work again today. Driver shows up at after 5:00 pm. My husband goes out to the truck to examine headboard and bed. Footboard was loose on truck, not covered and big crack and gouge in the middle top portion. Also they did not bring the mattress. So far this is what your deliveries have cost me: a. 5 Saturday's of missed work @ $300 per day = $1500 b. Trip to the emergency room when metal canopy top fell on my leg because bed supports were not placed correctly and when sat on mattress it caused the bed to shift and canopy rails to fall on me and wooden posts snapped at bottom. ER visit $1200 caused blood clot. c. Frustration and anger at warehouse = priceless So far your corporation has cost me $2700 and I still don't have the bed or mattress. After I spend hours on the phone again calling customer relations each time and they guarantee it will be right it never is. Most of the time Rooms To Go calls a few days before they come out. When they do they always ask directions. I also ask them are you sure you have all the pieces and they state they do not know or have access to that information. Calls made: 11-18-99 1500 pm spoke to Michelle in customer relations to resched 12-28-99 1328 pm spoke to customer relations 01-08-00 1710 pm spoke to Dianne to resched bed parts missing picked up canopy " also spoke to Cynthia in customer relations to resched 01-10-00 1345 pm spoke to Jonathan in customer relations to reschedule 01-22-00 1715 pm spoke to Carl the manager of Macon, GA store said he will take care of and resched First of all I think your warehouse manager needs to be fired. Second of all reimbursement for my expenses needs to be taken into consideration. I have half of a bed because some pieces have broke or been picked up already and we have been sleeping in the guest room since November of 1999. My converstaion with Carl the Manager of Rooms to Go in Macon was very poignant. I would like to hear more excuses of why your people cannot get the orders straight, do not secure the merchandise in the delivery vehicles properly and damages them, cannot get an order correct for delivery, no one bothers to inspect for damages, the driver on today's date did not even bother to wait when I asked him to while I was talking to the Manager he just left, and the frustration your company has caused is most, most, most disconcerting to say the least. My only regret at this time was that in college I took computer science and business courses and did not become a lawyer! Awaiting your response because customer relations is busy as usual and can't get through. Sincerely, Anon

This may give you some satisfaction.

This past Labor Day weekend, my wife and I decided to do a little furniture shopping. We shopped several stores including Rooms to Go. We found a living room set we really liked. However, like any good consumer we still had a few stores on our list to shop so we didn't purchase right away.

After concluding our tour of several stores, we decided Rooms to Go had the best deal and we would return in the morning to purchase a $2000 living room set.

As I said, we consider ourselves smart consumers so that evening, I decided to visit the Rooms to Go website. I have to admit, my motivation was not to check on the company's record but rather to see if I could get a better deal. Perhaps they had a special offer on their site , a coupon or rebate.

We'll guess what. Rooms to Go and your site came up on the search engine. Their site was down. That left yours.

Now while I'm sure every company has their share of complaints, your site really got me to thinking. With all their advertising blitzs and hoards of crowds and unbelievably low prices, it does seem realistic that it would be difficult to get through to a decisionmaker. And just perhaps their quality was substandard. (The showroom sofa we liked sagged on one side. While I was concerned about the quality, the salesman assured me it was justa defective cushion. But after reviewing your site, the red flag went up)

Because of your warnings, we opted to check just one more store that we hadn't gotten a chance to visit. . We were happy we did. They had a better deal on a brand name we recognized..and I actually was approached by the manager before we left.

Thank you and your supporters for saving us from the likely aggrevation of dealing with Rooms to Go.

It is amazing to me how a company as large as Rooms to Go has failed to recognize the impact a site such as yours can have on how they are perceived in the marketplace. They should have realized it was important to take care of you when your problem occurred. They should realize how much more important it is to take care of you now.

Please feel free to use this letter on your site and please feel free to forward this letter to Rooms to Go.

In October 1999, we purchased a dining room table, six side chairs, two arm chairs, a buffet and hutch. It was amazingly delivered in a couple of weeks, and within the four hour window as well. Upon delivery, the driver noted several flaws and damages on his paperwork and advised me to contact Customer Service. Believe it or not, Customer Service called me within the hour to see if my furniture was delivered and to ask if there were any problems. I informed the representative of the damage, and an appointment was set for the following week with a technician. We decided to examine the furniture more closely and were horrified at the condition! Every piece had flaws and/or damage, ranging from gouges to fabric tears. Some of the pieces looked as if they were never boxed -- perhaps they bounced around in the delivery truck on the way to our home. The technician arrived as scheduled, and he said that he had never seen such extensive damage. He filed the paperwork for a complete exchange, and advised me that RTG would prefer that the damage be repaired instead. He further advised me to "stand my ground" and insist that my furniture be replaced. Adding insult to injury, he also advised me that my chairs were not fabric-protected, which I had paid for at the time of purchase. A week later, I was contacted by Customer Service and my exchange was approved for December 17, more than a month later. I was informed that was the soonest date available. Along came the 17th.... I was scheduled between 1 - 5 pm, and at 3:30 pm I was rudely notified that the truck had broken down early that morning and that my delivery would be two hours late. We had a previous commitment for the evening, and when I explained the situation, I was told that I needed to be home if I wanted my furniture. I asked to speak to a supervisor, and was passed off to another rude individual who said that my furniture could be delivered in 5 minutes or 5 hours. Period. AND they were bold enough to say that they were giving me ample notice of the problem (2 1/2 hours into my delivery window). I hung up and called Customer Service, explained my situation, and met complete silence. Then the representative asked me what I thought they could do about it. I asked that the driver be paged so that I might possibly have an ETA. After holding for 10 minutes, I was assured that I would receive a call within the hour to confirm a time. I was never called. I was also informed that if I missed my delivery, it would be well into the new year before the exchange would be rescheduled. We waited around until 7:30 pm (2 1/2 hours past my delivery time) and then decided to go through with our previous plans -- late, of course. When we arrived home, there was a message on our machine (left around 9:30 pm) saying that the driver was still running late and that we should call Customer Service if we wanted our furniture. I called, but quickly learned that CS closed at 6:00 pm that day. On the morning of 12/18, I called CS and relayed the story. The representative said that it was noted that I was to be called with an ETA, but she could see that it was not done. She then offered to reschedule an exchange. I told her that I wanted to return the furniture, but she said it could not be done. After a repetitious exchange and a threat to contact the local news station, she finally told me to contact the store where the purchase originated. I called immediately to the store and spoke with a manager. No apology -- only an offer to expedite an exchange. He finally approved a return and promised to call me within the hour to confirm the date. He never called. The next day, 12/19, I called the store and spoke with another manager who gave me a date of 1/5 for a return. I asked if it could be expedited, but he rudely said it would not happen. I was shocked later in the day when I was called by a driver who wanted directions to my home so that my furniture could be exchanged. He explained that the driver on the 17th had delivered furniture until 2:00 am, and mine was left undone. He had been called in to complete the work. I told him what all had happened and advised him that we did not want the furniture. Of course, CS and the store were both unaware that the driver had been called in to finish the work. They had no idea he was working, and he had not been notified that a return had been approved. Along came 1/5.... I was given a window of 2 - 6 pm for the return. I explained that I would be away from 2 - 3:30 pm, and I'd reschedule if necessary. I was told that I was close to last on the schedule, and the driver would most likely come around 5:00 pm. I was told not to worry about it, and it would be noted for the driver. I arrived home at 3:30 pm to find a message that I had missed my return. I waited 30 minutes to speak to a representative, and was told that the drivers set up their own routes and that CS has no influence on it. She also said that it was not noted that I was going to be away during that time period. She put me on hold and the driver was contacted, but I was informed that he was out of the area and would not return. She then set up another return date of 1/14, which was the earliest date possible. She was actually very nice and very helpful, and she gladly gave me the address for complaints. She could not apologize enough! I decided to call my salesperson to simply let her know of the poor customer service that followed the sale. I held for 10 minutes, was told she was with a customer, and assured that a message would be given to her. As of yet, I have not been called by her either (nor do I think I will). In my opinion, RTG should change their name to ROOMS TO GO BACK!

I want you to know that your efforts are not in vein. You just saved me from making a $2500 mistake! Thanks again.

Thank you, glad to be of "service"


And now a word from others who have been abused by these guys


Here's another one for your Dissatisfaction File. You have my permission to use it on your site. I have made contacts with the BBB, Governor's Office of
Consumer Affairs, Rooms To Go (Fla.). So far, I have received a letter from BBB stating that they would put my info in Rooms to Go's file. They can't

Listed below are the facts: On 6/30/1999, I took advantage of Rooms To Go's offer (pre-approved credit and no payments, interest until 2001). The salesman was very helpful and nice. Unfortunately, I had to wait a month for delivery but I took that in stride. I called the company to find out what time I might expect Rooms To Go to arrive with my delivery on 7/28/99 because no one called me to confirm. I was told that I should expect them between 1 and 4 PM. I received two calls from delivery asking if the drivers had made it to my house after 4 PM and they had not made it yet. At approximately 5:35 PM they showed up and the excuse was that several customers hadn't received their entire shipments. The driver in charge told me, "You're not going to be happy
either." "The slats are missing form the bed." I called delivery and spoke to the manager and she said it would have to be redelivered. I told these gentleman to go ahead and bring the furniture in." I received a phone call while these deliverers were putting what they could in place in my daughters bedroom from Ron Smith at the Southlake Store #1704 Morrow, GA 30260, Phone: 770-960-8070. I explained what the problem was and that I wanted the delivery fee credited. He said, "YOU will NOT be refunded YOUR DAMN FEE!" Get THAT out of YOUR DAMN HEAD NOW!" He spoke with the driver (Robin) and I will tell you that I was furious at this point. I'm not accustomed to being talked to in this manner and I do not treat others hatefully. After they got the dresser unpacked, the lead driver (Robin) said, "I have more bad news...your mirror isn't on the truck either." I called customer service (while the
drivers were still here) and spoke to LaKeesha and told her the problem. She spoke to the driver (Robin) and then told me she would put it on same day delivery as the slats. I told her that, in my opinion, I should be credited the delivery fee plus tax because my total shipment wasn't on the truck and that they were extremely late due to the problems of their other deliveries.
I can understand tardiness if it's due to traffic. This situation was
inexcusable. She said, "No Problem." 
On 7/28/99, I noticed some trash in my yard and picked it up. It was pieces from the boxes on the delivery truck. One item was very interesting however. It was a ticket from a mirror box. It had my name on it and states that it is a cherry landscape mirror. I immediately called customer service, they were closed. I called the Southlake Store and spoke to Rhoda at 6:32 PM. I explained what I had found and she said she would call me right back. She called me 15 minutes later and said, "Thanks for informing us about this situation, Ron Smith would call me back." He didn't and never did.
On 7/29/99, I spoke with Benny at the Southlake Store and he said that the slats were on the truck but The mirror wasn't. There also wasn't a record of the mirror being missing. He also said I needed to call customer service because my line was busy and they can't deliver unless they talk to me to see if I'm here. I explained to him that I didn't have call waiting and if my phone is busy, then wouldn't that mean I was here? He said I needed to call Debra Kaye.
I called customer service and asked for Debra Kaye. Patricia (rudely, I
might add), informed me that Ms. Kaye was busy and SHE was taking her calls.
I explained what I was told by everyone and that I was not satisfied with this. Patricia said, YOU will not get the mirror until August 19th. I told her this was unacceptable. I wanted to speak to a supervisor. She said, "I am a supervisor." I then told her that I knew she had a boss and that we would go up the totem pole until I received some answers that made sense. She put me on hold for 10 minutes and then hung up on me. I called back and got Shakeria (spelling ?) and she explained that they were all supervisors and she apologized for Patricia's behavior. She also informed me that LaKeesha didn't put information in the computer that credited my delivery fee. She added that until I received my furniture entirely that it wouldn't even be discussed. She said delivery has been trying to call me to bring the slats and the line is busy. I told her that I had been on the phone with them all morning. Delivery showed up and I asked him to check the posts on the rice bed because they looked damaged to me. He colored the scratches and said that the bed looked like it had been dragged.
It looks better but I know it's damaged.
On 7/30/99, I talked to Tatum at 9 AM. I explained to her the situation, and she said all she could do was to make a complaint on the driver and Ron Smith. I was set up for re-delivery 8/19/99 but there was a possibility that it could be moved up.
At 9:35 AM, my husband called the store and spoke with Scooter (salesman). He explained this Situation, the lousy customer service, and asked why we didn't received a copy of what I was delivered with my signature and initials on what I didn't receive. At 10:12 AM, Scooter called Back, apologized and said that they were looking into the matter, however they think the mirror was Stolen. He also said that Ron Smith sent a message to me, which stated I WOULD NOT be credited the delivery fee. He also asked me if I didn't understand what an All Day Delivery meant. I said I guessed not.
He explained it and I replied that it was ridiculous to tell anyone an
approximate time when it doesn't mean anything. Also, I HAD waited ALL DAY.
Yesterday, 8/19/99, My mirror was delivered by 12:30 PM. I found it ironic that it was the same two deliverers as last month. They left and
approximately 12:45 PM, the lead driver Robin called and told me that he was supposed to get a C.O.D. of 40 something dollars. I told him no that it was a re-delivery. He then said that he'd have to come back to obtain the mirror. Again, I said no. He, rather curtly said the money would come out of his pocket and he had to. I told him I would contact customer service and to call me back.
I talked to customer service and explained the situation and also told her I found it odd that I had the same drivers as last time, also that the mirror was more than likely stolen the last time and I was getting scared. I was alone in the house with my two children. She said she would take care of it and call me back. The girl called back approximately 15 minutes later and informed me that she took care of it and the drivers had been notified. And if they showed back up call 911. I also told her that since I had the entire order now and in light of the past situations and then compounded with terror I wanted the delivery credited. I wasn't going to pay it.
I called my husband out of a meeting and told him the situation. He made me realize I didn't get this lady's name. So I called Customer Service and spoke to Kim and she gave me Shana's name. I do have to say that these two women are very professional and make a customer feel like they care.
At 2:50 PM, Robin called back and demanded information on customer service.
I cryptically told him that dispatch has contacted him already. He said no, they hadn't and asked what was said. I then told him that it was like I said earlier. IT was a redelivery. He then asked me if they had put it into the computer. I told him since I didn't work for Rooms To Go and didn't have access to their computer, I wouldn't know. He then said okay and called me an endearment.
At 2:56 PM, I called Customer Service and spoke with Kim again. I told her what was said by him. I told her that at this point, I was terrified. I gave her the guy's number off my caller ID and she said she'd take care of it personally and call me back. At 3:03 PM, she called back and said she couldn't reach him at that number so she called his boss Jamie. She said Jamie told her to apologize on his behalf and rest assured he would rectify the problem immediately. Kim said she would keep calling Jamie until he tells her he talked to the driver (Robin McGuiness (?)).
Finally, at approximately 5:18 Shana left a message on my machine and said that all she could do was to give me a $50 in store credit or $25 credit to my bill. Would I please call back with my decision? UNACCEPTABLE!

Mainly because I have no use for the $50, I won't EVER walk back into one of their stores. And $25 doesn't even compensate for the trash I've been through. Well these are all the facts and I really don't know what else to do, but if this helps to drive business away from them then at least I'm getting my delivery fee repaid another conductive way.




One more for your file: Does anyone know how to contact the higher-ups at this company to vent my complaint? We ordered and paid for a chair and ottoman from the RTG in Pineville, NC (Charlotte area) in July. It was delivered a month later, but the ottoman has to be replaced due to a defective leg. The soonest time they can deliver is September (more than 2 months after paying out my $800). Meanwhile, I have to wait for UPS to deliver 4 new legs for the chair, so that the "technician" can return to my house to put on 4 new legs. HERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS THAT TICK ME OFF ABOUT RTG: 1. Spent my money, but won't have my furniture until AT LEAST over 2 months after the purchase. 2. Every defect on the furniture adds another month to the process. 3. They refuse to consider a return. 4. Calls to customer service take a minimum of 30 min on hold. 5. Every delivery date or technician visit requires me to put my life on hold for the day, as well as worry that they may arrive during the 15 minutes I'm gone to pick up my daughter from school. 6. Trying to talk to a manager at customer service gets me nowhere ("he's not in yet", "he's out to lunch", "we'll take your name and number and he'll call you back"). I have yet to hear from this mystery manager. 7. Trying to talk to a manager at the store also gets me nowhere ("he's not in yet", "we'll take your name and number and he'll call you back"). Haven't heard from him yet, either. 8. We thought of disputing the charge (credit card), but the credit card company says that if the store has a no-return policy, as stated by the store, then we are out of luck in that respect. 9. When I called to have a technician come out to "fix" the chair legs, I let them know exactly what was wrong - gouges in the legs. I asked if the technician could bring out a new set of legs with which to fix the chair. I was assured by customer service that he would bring everything he needed to make the repair. Imagine my annoyance (after waiting all morning for this guy) when the technician arrived without the legs ("Oh, no, we can't do that"). His job was to assess the problem. Guess what he found out - the chair's legs were gouged and needed to be replaced. 10. Their RTG sales brochure states: "Open Your Door to Service, Convenience, and Value..." Also: "We guarantee that the merchandise you purchase will be in showroom condition upon delivery." And this one: "At Rooms To Go, we want you to be happy with your decision - not just in the showroom, but also when your furniture arrives at your home." My favorite is: "Our policy is your complete satisfaction. We are dedicated to providing the best service possible." 11. Lies, lies, lies (see above for details). The only nice thing I can say about RTG is that the delivery guys were very courteous. The technician was also very professional in his manner, although he was unable to fix my problem. The bottom line concerning this whole thing is: I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER BUY FROM ROOMS TO GO AGAIN!!! I consider it my mission to inform everyone thinking of buying furniture: NEVER, NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM ROOMS TO GO!!! Melinda, one more dissatisfied customer.

I purchased a dinning room set and a couple of other items in April.  At
this time I bargained for delivery at 'some time' on Saturday 4 weeks ahead.
No problem, I knew this upfront.  After 4 weeks wait, delivery occurs with a
simple little snag; one piece is not on the truck and another is chipped.
The chipped piece was a stone top that I probably would have lived with, but
the missing piece was required for the table to be set up.  It turns out
that this item was left off of the invoice and therefore not loaded.  It
would seem to me that if you load furniture for a living it would be a
simple task to make sure that 3 boxes are loaded when the other two say one out of three etc...! 

Of course I have wasted my Saturday waiting on a partial order which does
upset me.  I call customer service looking for some satisfaction, something
simple like preferred delivery.  They give me two options, remember they
made the mistake, get it redelivered when they could or send it all back.
Wow!, what service!  They were willing to lose a sale simply because I
called them on their mistake.

They schedule a redelivery on a day that was impossible for me to be there
the time span they gave.  I requested that since my delivery was to cover
their screw up, could I be first.  They said they would request.  After
waiting as long as I could, I left the house with no delivery.  As it turns
out, my delivery was last and one hour after the time frame promised.

Well now I have two days time wasted and no furniture.  RTG has agreed to
refund the delivery charge, but come on, my time is worth more than $80!

To make a long story simple, RTG did not want to do anything to help me out
since they botched a delivery.  All they could do was 'make it right'.
Redelivery is not making it right; they had to do that.  All of my
suggestions were turned down because they were not 'set up' to do that.

I say I hope they get it right the 3rd time.  I will not go back!

This is a letter of dissatisfaction concerning furniture I purchased on
March 28, 1999 and post-purchase service, or lack there of, with the company
"Rooms To Go".

I received my bedroom suit on April 15, 1999 and noticed SEVERAL problems. I
called the Customer Service line (1-800-766-6786) and spoke with Bhavina
Desai, who was extremely rude. She made me feel like I was unimportant, I
was bothering her with my problems, and my happiness was of no concern to
her (or the company). She assured me she would put in an appointment with a
technician on Monday, April 19, 1999. Later, I received a call saying my
appointment was on Wednesday April 21, 1999. This further delay made me
quite upset, and reasonably so, seeing as I cannot use my bedroom suit until
it is fixed properly or replaced.

Below is a list of problems I have found with the bedroom suit:

The left headboard post on the bed is not flush or even.

The left drawer of the Jewelry Box was assembled incorrectly and rests
cockeyed causing the drawer to stick and much force must be applied to open

The Jewelry Box, itself, is not centered on the dresser.

Either the Jewelry Box or the dresser is bowed or warped because the left
AND right side of the Jewelry Box DOES NOT touch the dresser, but show a gap
of atleast a quarter inch..

The brackets, or wood beams, holding the Mirror and Jewelry Box in place are
visible from the front and installed poorly.

Dark spots are all over. ( I completely understand there are dark spots on
most wood, especially knotted wood, but this set is white washed so it
stands out on the complete suit and looks slightly strange.)

A piece of a dresser drawer has already fallen off.

The Amorie is chipped and cracked on the front right, top portion.

The doors on the Amorie are uneven and crooked.

The bed is not put together correctly. We are missing the second middle-slat
foot, adjustable glide, and fastener. The three metal slats w/t-blocks and
end caps, correct length feet, adjustable glides and fasteners are just
dangling on the wood frame. The installers said they did not have the
correct tools to do the job (WHY NOT?). On the sheet that came with the bed
it states, "WARNING: position (slide) correct length feet to (printed)
designated location on top surface of metal slat."

I cannot even use the bed so I have been sleeping on my mattresses on the
floor of my daughters room. I feel this could have been avoided if their
workers had put more time in this job. I did not stand over them the entire
time they were working because I felt Rooms To Go was a good company that
stood behind there work (I no longer feel this way).

When I purchased the bedroom suit, I was told by the salesperson, Larry
Lockhart that this included the entire package and accessories. When my
furniture was delivered, I noticed the steps, used to comfortably climb into
bed, were not with the furniture. This was a particular point of interst to
me because I am 6 months pregnant and the bed is considerably higher then
the other one I have. When I raised the questioned, I found out it was not
on the invoice, meaning I have to go back to the store and spend more money
on something I was lead to believe was on the bedroom suit order. When I
spoke to Customer Service, they gave me "the run around", so I requested to
speak to the supervisor. I was told he was too busy and would call me back.
This was the 15th. I still am waiting for the call.

On Saturday April 17, 1999 at approximately 9:30 am I tried to contact
Costumer Service; again to see what happened to Mondays service appointment.
Where I was told, basically, "Oh well, you will just have to wait for
Wednesday and there is nothing you can do about it!" When I asked about
returning the furniture, I got the strong feeling of "You already signed on
the dotted line, so no one, here, really cares whether you're happy or not.
Deal with it!" Finally, I was told the supervisor, Richard Whitehead at the
Raleigh, NC location, (919) 785-2277, would call me back. I let the
receptionist know that I was leaving my home at 11:30 am. I waited until
approximately 11:10 am, but no phone call came. I called Rooms To Go back
and requested to speak with the manager. First, the receptionist told me,
"He was on another line. He will be with you in a moment." After standing by
on a long distance call for more than 20 minutes, she came back and told me,
"The manager said to call the Customer Service line". I explained I had been
directed by them to call the store for a return and felt I needed to talk to
a manager. She put me back on hold for another 5 to 10 minutes.

At this point, besides getting frustrated, someone else came to the phone
and said, "Can I help you?" I asked if this I could speak with a manager.
She informed me her name was Monica McCormick and she was not a manager. She
said they were having a sale and he was busy on the floor. I ask if he was
to busy to talk a costumer. I informed her I had left several messages for
him and had been holding for over a half an hour now. And instead of talking
to a manager, I was pushed off to a new person who I am having to explain
the WHOLE situation to again. She, then, said he was "out of the store". I
made it clear to her I was very upset with the treatment I was receiving and
wanted to return the furniture. She said I would have to call Customer

I hung up and called Customer Service. I spoke to Kerry Brown, who said the
supervisor was busy (which did not suprise me at all), but said maybe she
could help. AGAIN, I told her the situation. I informed her, because of the
way I was treated, I no longer wanted the bedroom suit fixed. In fact, I
know longer wanted the bedroom suit!!! I requested the furniture be picked
up. She said I would have to set that up through the store of purchase.

This was very disturbing to me. The points of communication between Rooms To
Go seem to have you transferred from one department to the other until the
customer gets totally frustrated and gives up completely. I DO NOT GIVE UP!

I was told by the Raleigh store to go through costumer service. I was told
by Customer Service to go through the Raleigh store. Who has responsibility

I called Rooms To Go in Raleigh, AGAIN. I was so upset I could hardly speak.
I tried to get the main branches number through them; but when I asked for
it, they gave me the Customer Service number. I informed them that was not
the number, it was the Customer Service number. They had no answer for me.
(If I treated customers the way they do, I would not want to give out the
number either.)

So, I called Customer Service, AGAIN, and was given the number.

The cover to the folder I received with my copy of the purchase papers
states, "ROOMS TO GO Invites You to Open Your Door to Service, Convenience,
and Value..." All of the personnel I have spoken to or dealt with have not
shown this commitment or attitude to includes our salesman, Larry Lockhart.

And you thought you heard it all!!!

Thank you for letting me let others know the REAL deal with ROOMS TO GO

This company has got to be the worst as far as customer service.  I have had so many problems with them, but I'll just share my last complaint that I am STILL waiting for an answer on. (Everytime I call to speak to the supervisor, they tell me she'll call me back.  Of course, she never does.)  Just one piece of advice:  DO NOT GIVE ROOMS TO GO ANY OF YOUR MONEY.  There are too many other furniture companies (specifically ALL other ones) with much better service.

I moved from New York to Altanta 3 months ago. All my experiences here have been quite good, except the ones with your company. Let me explain.

Unfortunately for me, I have needed to contact your customer service many times. Every time I call, I either get a busy signal, or I'm on hold for at least 10 minutes, with a recording that talks about "unusually high call volume." You should change that to "usually high call volume that we are not capable of handling."

I ordered around $2700 worth of furniture. I had told the sale rep that I needed it no later then Feb 5th. I told her that if it could not be delivered by then, I did not want it. The furniture was delivered on the agreed upon date, but the night table was cracked, and the sleigh bed side boards were defective. The broken/defective furniture was left in my apartment.

I called customer service and told them I wanted a refund on the night table and sleigh bed, and the supervisor told me on Feb 6th that she could not refund anything. Your contract says "No refunds are available and sales cannot be cancelled after merchandise has been delivered in good condition." Well, the delivery guys noted that the furniture was broken on your paperwork. Why was this supervisor telling me I was not entitled to at least an 80% refund (the max refund after 48 hrs of order). Your "CONTRACT" says I am. She even talked to her supervisor about it!! Not only did she say I couldn't get a refund, but that I had to wait over three weeks for my new delivery!
So I had to warehouse your broken furniture in my apartment. And, I had to take off work to recieve the delivery, for furniture I did not want if it could not be delivered by Feb 5th.

Two and a half months ago, there was a stain on my couch that I couldn't get out. A service tech came to my apartment, and decided that I should have a new cushion cover (I paid $100 extra for stain protectant). Two and a half months ago! I just got off the phone with customer service, and they STILL couldn't give me a date when the cover was coming. They keep telling me that it's coming from the warehouse. Why should I care where it's coming from, just get it here already! "It's coming from the warehouse." The customer service reps act like it's some magical place that they can't contact. Give them a computer and link them up, so you can find when peoples orders are to be shipped!

Obviously, I'm extremely disappointed with your company. I would never recommend "Rooms To Go" to anyone. If I talk to anyone that is thinking about giving their business to you, I'll tell them of my experiences and push them to one of your many other competitors. Your paperwork talks about a "Satifaction Guarantee." Well, I'm not satisfied. Where's the accountability. Maybe the "unusually high call volume" is usual customer dissatisfaction.


 I purchased a very expensive bedroom suite and a couch and loveseat in August of 1997. When they delivered my furniture, much to the movers dismay, all of the furniture went upstairs. Well, you could obviously see the discontent on their faces, but they proceded to "haul" the stuff upstairs. The couch and loveseat went at the end of a hall in our bonus room over our garage. Well, they took one look at the door they had to go through, and said that it would not fit through that door and I would have to have it lifted from the outside through a double window at the side of the house, of course at an additional expense to me. Well, I insisted that they at least bring the couch upstairs, which they reluctantly did. Well, as soon as my husband came home, he and a neighbor lifted the couch and guess what... it easily slid through the door opening. Do ya think maybe they were trying to make a little extra on the moving or what? Wait this gets much better... When I started looking at the quality of the bedroom furniture that had been delivered, boy was I disappointed. The Highboy had one whole side that was not stained, the mirror had gouges in it as well as one of the night stands. I decided to call the store manager of the Greenville, SC store, which is where I purchased the furniture. I was quickly informed upon reaching the store that the manager was tied up and would have to call me back. He never did. I then called a customer service line, where I was kept on hold for over twenty minutes waiting for someone to answer my call. The representative said that the pieces would be replaced, so on September 13, 1997 the pieces were delivered. These three pieces were in as bad a condition as the first three that I had purchased. I called the customer service line first thing Monday morning on September 15, 1997 and after holding another twenty minutes, I was informed that my file had been closed, but would reopen on September 16, 1997, and that she would call me back and set up a time for another delivery. I was never called. I then attempted to call the manager of the Greenville store again and was rudely told that he was not available and that he would need to call me back. I was then abruptly hung up on. I never recieved a call. I called the customer service line back again, and the girl that I spoke with said that the call had not come in time, (even though it was three days after the defective furniture had arrived) and that they would have to send someone out to my home to "evaluate" the furniture. Well, I set up the appointment and he didn't show either. I had just about had all I could take, so I called the customer service line again, and asked who was the ceo of the company. They refused to give me any information. I then through a round-about way discovered that the ceo's assistant's name was Brendalynn Mitchum. I faxed her a lengthy letter pleading for some help and You guessed it, she never contacted me either. I then contacted the Better Business Bureau in SC and they contacted Ms. Mitchum for me. They then set up another appt for a technician to come out and evaluate the furniture. Well, he finally showed up and told me he would have to sand this, and scrape that, and stain this. I told him that I was under the impression that he was supposed to evaluate the furniture for return, not fix it. I could not justify fixing brand new furniture. Finally, after much discussion between me and the BBB and the BBB and Ms. Mitchum, they agreed to replace the damaged furniture. Well, the next shipment, the mirror was ok. The night stand and the highboy were in terrible condition. I refused to accept them. We set up many more deliveries. Finally after about 4 more tries, I finally got a decent night stand. However, each and every one of the highboys was damaged. Now we are not talking anything minute. We are talking MAJOR damage. Finally, after about another four tries, and me having to leave work each time and meet the deliverers, the BBB suggested I go to the headquarters in Georgia and pick up another highboy myself. Well, by this time, I was so tired of the whole mess, I agreed. I took yet another afternoon off work and carted the damaged highboy all the way to Georgia in hopes of finally receiving one in good condition. When I got there, one of the guys who worked there went and got another highboy in a box and brought it to my car. I insisted that he take the box off and let me look at it before I drove all the way back home only to find something wrong with it. Guess what? It looked worse than the one I was bringing back. They proceded to bring out five more that all had something wrong with them. Finally, I agreed to have them "touch up" the one that wasn't as badly damaged as the other ones. I finally got it home. Just when you thought this was the end of the story, the springs in the couch that I bought broke about six months after I purchased it. They refused to do anything about it, and now I'm stuck with a couch I can't use. Don't you think that it is rather hypocrytic of them to use "great customer service" in their ads and in their brochures? Everytime I see one of their commercials on T.V. I just want to scream. Every single person that I have talked to that has purchased something from this company has had poor customer service and the merchandise has ended up being very poor. Boy would I like for the CEO of the company to do a little explaining. Wendy

my girlfriend and I went to a rooms to go in Miami, FL on 05/23/99 and purchased a corner armoire, we paid for the delivery up front and were told that that the earliest possible delivery would be on 06/12/99, witch was my daughters birthday I ask if they could deliver it earlier the sales person checked and came back with "no" I said ok, on the date of the delivery they sent the wrong piece! My girlfriend told the delivery people who got upset at her and gave her an attitude, the delivery people said that the store would contact us, THEY NEVER DID!! We call them and they said oh we're sorry well send the correct one , but you have to wait 2 more weeks, they scheduled the delivery for 06/26/99, I made sure to take the day off, do to the fact that both me and my girl friend were scheduled to work that day, we attempted to call the store manager on several occasions, to my "not" surprise she seem to always be gone when we call, so we left several messages she never call back "SURPRISED", so we call the 800 number , Guess what they never called back either , now just one day before the schedule delivery they call back, not from customer relations but from the delivery office stating that no delivery will be made, the piece of furniture is not in stock and was discontinued, the people at rooms to go don't seem to care about there customers, PLEASE post this

is a bit different from your stories, I worked in the Independant Drivers
department in the Lakeland warehouse. Boy, do I have some news for thier

Let's start by me telling you what my job consisted of, I was responsible for
routing the drivers with 3 other people. I worked 2-10:30 sometimes 11:30.
When I would come in at 2, my job was to fax delivery info to each driver,
and the routine was that the drivers would decide in which order they wish to
make these deliveries, they would then fax routes back to us for us to key in
the computer, then the warehouse would start loading the trucks in that
order. Sounds pretty simple right?? WRONG !!
There were more conflicts getting people to turn on there fax machines,
answer thier phones, thier radios, then you could even dream. There were
times that we were still getting faxes at 11:00 at night causing a delay in
keying in the info, giving the warehouse to other choice but to put the load
on hold for the next day shift, the day shift would get pissed off because
they now have not only thier job to do but they have to load a truck that the
night shift loaders didn't do, I use to hear people just throwing stuff on
the trucks becasue they were pissed off, and being that I didnt come in until
2, you see that our loads were last on the day shift's list of to do's.Now,
you can imagine what a mess that was with just 1 driver turning in his route
late, but there were at least 5-8 of these a night. Then the drivers call
pissed off because thier trucks were late.All that crap results in sometimes
5 day delays from people argueing back and forth about whose job is what. I
don't completely blame the drivers, seeing that most of the time that they
didn't have thier fax machines on is because they were still making
deliveries up til 9:30 at night. You see instead of our supervisor " ANONYMOUS" hiring more drivers, he would just run these men 7-10 days straight with no
day off. Working 6am-9:30pm would be enough to give me a case of the " BIte
Me" attitude too. See, in that department, if the overhead is kept down,
everyone in that department gets an end of the year trip to somewhere like
Busch Gardens, Disney, places like that. So, the routers get to deal with all
this madness at night, while the real villins are at home sleeping or doing
whatever. We had one printer that was from like the 1970's and it sucked, the
paper would always get crimpled up in the machine and of course it would
happen when we were ready to print everything from that night out and ready
to go home. The boss would remind us the next day when we'd bring up needing
a new, " Oh no, that would be to much overhead, we still have plenty of life
out of this one. Well, I mentioned on a Sunday that I had to work, that this
routine just isn't working and something should be done about it, well that
next Monday I was fired for supposedly fratanising with the drivers, which I
had not. The drivers did flirt with me alot, but I would never let it go that
far. One of the drivers that liked me alot was called in for ANONYMOUS to lecture him because this driver had mentioned to one of the other girls that he was going to invite me to Miami which I had no knowledge of this, needless to say the driver shoved ANONYMOUS and another supervisor had to intervene, I think ANONYMOUS pride was hurt that this driver roughed him up and I think this also had some baring on him getting rid of me. This place is like " The Patent
Place' it is a big joke, and these are the people that are responsible for
making your deliveries?? LOL  I know I would never order anything from them
unless it would fit in my car and I could take it home from the store. Oh,
one more thing, I know they look at this page, because while I was working
there, they had this big ordeal about checking out all the stories on the
"Hate Page" everyday. There is one supervisor in that department but routes
for a different company and he is the GREATEST, I never seen him in the
office, because he was always out in the warehouse helping his drivers and
the loaders his name is ANONYMOUS, unlike some of the other dorks that
hide behind his nextel and computer.

Well, thanks for letting me submit my story, I hope I've shed some light as
to why people get thier deliveries late, and at times broken. Keep up the good
work, I love this page.


We will tell all our friends of our horrible used furniture experience because this was what  we received on one of the sofas, which we refused of course.
We will right a letter to Jeffrey Seaman, not that he probably cares by reading some of the HATE MAIL ON THE INTERNET, but I will make sure the Better Business Bureau hears about this and inform them if they don't already know about all the web pages out there in reference to bad service and Rooms To Go trying to sell used furniture.
We even had the delivery person who delivered our furniture make a note on our invoice and on his delivery ticket and he stated beside the one sofa, as this is the only one we had problems with, in his own writing and words"  USED SOFA" and initialed and signed our invoice and his delivery ticket.
How disgusting.
First time customer and now last time customer