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-------Xena's surprise------
Part I:Athens
"So why are we going back to Athens, Xena?" Gabrielle remarked. "I told you 3 times already I need to get some new leathers and only Athens has the good stuff" Xena was starting to wonder if Gabrielle suspected what she had planned. It seemed as though every time Gabrielle asked her that question she sounded less convincing each time. "Well Xena you know that the place in Corinth is just as good, if not better than anything you'd find here. It's just that people in Athens try to rip you off more than peop........." Xena shot her a glance that could scorch an entire forest. Gabrielle looked back with her 'please don't hurt me I'm innocent' look " I was just saying is all". For the next few hours neither woman said a word to each other, only the occasional sound of either's horse penetrated the silence. "Xena?" Gabrielle braved the break in silence, Xena didn't look back. "Xena....., I'm sorry guess I've been a pain lately, just that I hate traveling long distances, don't be mad". Xena thought for a second 'there's no way I could ever hate you Gab, Hell I'm making this trip for you'. Gabrielle looked again at her companion with those beautiful jade green eyes, Xena looked back at her and smiled a little smile, and she couldn't resist looking at her. "See Xena, I knew you couldn't resist smiling back" Gabby looked so proud that she broke the Warrior Princess down with just a smile. Athens was in sight now and both Xena and Gabrielle gasped a little at the city, 25 years later and it still looks like the crown jewel of Greece. When they arrived in the city Xena led Gabby to the Athena Hotel, Xena chuckled a little at being in a hotel whose namesake she killed. Xena eyed the clerk who's back was to them, "hey buddy, got a room for me and my .............". The clerk turned around and revealed himself. ".........Xena..." the balding bearded man said softly ".........I thought.....". Xena couldn't believe it "Salimonius??, Is that you?" Gabrielle turned around and noticed him now. "It's so good to see you two........I thought that......." Xena interrupted "It's a long story I'll tell you later". Salimonius led the women to their room, and made sure the locks worked. "Thank you so much Salimonius, I need to ask you something" Xena stepped out of the room out of range from Gabrielle who was looking out the window at the city. As Xena talked Gabrielle enjoyed the view and even spotted a playhouse, bringing a warm feeling and smile to her face. ' I HAVE to go there tonight, bring Xena to make up for me being so much of a pain'. Just then Gabrielle noticed that Xena was no longer in the room, but just outside of it talking to Sal. "Xena???" she shouted, as she rounded the corner Sal was just leaving and Xena was saying "thanks Sal appreciate it............." Xena jumped a little when she saw the Bard walk over "Thanks for what?" Gabrielle asked. "ummm" Xena tried to think quick "Oh old Sallie is giving us a break on the rent, and a free tab on his tavern" Gabrielle laughed at that "You're kidding, Salimonius giving us a free tab at the tavern, what did you promise him?" Gabrielle nudged her elbow at Xena's side, while giving a naughty smile. "Stop that!!" Xena started to walk away while Gabrielle kept asking "a massage?,............... cop a feel?,.................... the horizontal hunka-chunka?" As they roamed through the city Gabrielle couldn’t help but think of how far she's come along. From the time she hopped on Xena's horse until defending Xena's daughter from the Gods of Olympus, she never thought she'd ever find someone worth standing by. Xena went to the Leather's store, while Gabrielle looked at the Play schedule. "Oh wow, 'the rise and fall of 2 lovers' by Trepidus, that’s the one" and Gab knew she would have Xena tonight, it had been a while since either of them had made love. In fact just before Gabrielle learned that Xena was pregnant was the last time they were together, and ever since she was missing the Warriors touch. The way Xena was able to just caress her hair, able to use a single light touch on her face, tracing her tongue along her stomach, just nibbling on her hard nipples while............'why are all those people looking at me?' Gabrielle was up against the playhouse wall with one hand on her breast and one in down her skirt. 'oh that might be why' Gabrielle slowly moved her hand from her skirt and thought 'Gods I need Xena tonight'. She then looked at the crowd and smiled "I really love this play." Gabrielle walked into the leather's store and found Xena trying on what looked to be a leather body suit. It was so tight on the warrior princess that Gabrielle could see every curve and every crevice of her body. Gabrielle had to turn away, she was bad enough in front of the playhouse. "Oh there you are, what do you think Gabrielle? is it me?". Gabrielle looked out of the corner of her eye "Ummmm......yeah it looks great, you should wear it tonight." Xena looked back confused "Tonight??". Gabrielle walked up to Xena "Well I was hoping we could take in a play at the Thessis Theatre" Gabrielle gave Xena her innocent puppy dog eye's look back. "Gabrielle we can barely afford our room, plus we don't even have enough to get me new underwear!" Gabrielle raised her hand to stop Xena's protest " I KNEW you were gonna say, I have a surprise for you." 'What in Hades could Gabrielle have?' Xena thought to herself. Gabrielle moved her hand to her bag and pulled Xena to one side. She opened the bag and removed a small satchel and loosened the leather strap on it, and revealed a bag full of dinar's. "Gabrielle!!! where did you get that?" Gabrielle had a grin that made Xena nervous "Gabrielle you didn't....." Xena made a pickpocket hand gesture. "Oh no ...never I just.........". Xena still glared at her companion "well.....?". Gabrielle sat Xena down and explained " It was just after Eve was born and the gods were chasing us. When we stopped by in Athens the last time, I had 25 dinars set-aside just in case. Well one day I saw Autolycus and he was running a place that you could keep your money, I think he called it a 'bank'." "Anyways he told me because of us saving his butt so many times that I could get a little extra money every month." Gabrielle started to laugh a little and looked at Xena " well since we were 'frozen' for 25 years all that extra money Autolycus threw in my account.....well...I turned 25 dinars ready" Xena knew what was coming. " I now have one thousand-five hundred dinars." Gabrielle just smiled and waited for Xena's response. Xena didn't move for a few minutes just amazed at what Gabrielle just told her. "So how much for the the one my friend is wearing?" Gabrielle was now going to have some fun. "Umm it's 75 dinars" the clerk couldn't believe he was actually going to sell it, no one had that kind of money to spend on just clothes. "I'll take it......." Gabrielle got her money out "Oh and I want that leather dress over there, but........" The clerk looked confused " I don't want the skirt that low could you get it mid thigh for me." Gabrielle was truly enjoying this moment. "well miss if you want it hemmed you'll have to wait till tomorrow......." Xena picked up her chakram aimed it at the dress and flung it, barely missing the clerk's head. Clang rrriiiippppp!! Now the skirt was just above the mid thigh prompting a protest from Gabrielle, " it's too short" Xena shot a glance back "I know"