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The Coolest Stuff In The World (according to me)

Hi. My name's Jenna, and you've just surfed on in to the best page on the net - as the title says, it's got all the coolest (yes, i love to add the very over-used early 90's vocab.!) things in the world on it It's quite a good page, or it will be when I get it up and going. At the moment, it's probably quite boring, but bare with me, ok? So, how are all my little toast-squares today? If you happened to just surf on in, I have an obsession with toast. Yes, very wierd, but I'm sure it will pass....then I can do something more constructive with myself than watch the toaster all day. Maybe I could get a life.... So, to update you all again (29/9/2000)......Yes you all know how often I fall in and out of love. Although there is one or two staples ie Ian and Joshua. Well at the moment Im actually doing the rounds of some REAL LIFE guys!! (God forbid) Yes, the world really has gone pear-shaped! Anyhow, I'm not gonna mention any names for obvious reasons, but lets just say that real men are much more fun than tv men. (Sorry, its true.....) Ok, it's 27/11/00 - yay its party season! Less than a month till Xmas, and then a week more till New Years! Yay! Unfortunately tho, its looking pretty boring for New Years this year, so i'm just gonna have to create my own fun i guess..... Well VVVVVVVV exciting news: Rob Williams was in Oz a couple of months ago for a little promo tour...first time he's been here since 1995. Although, because this is a cruel, cruel world i missed out on meeting him..(i dont want to talk about it *sulk*) but i'm sure my day will come...btw check out my newly updated Rob page...if i ever get it finished... Oh and one last thing: am having problems with my computer due to the extreme amount of drool deposited onto my Ian page. Please be considerate of others when lusting after the god and STOP SMOOCHING THE SCREEN!!!! (Busted! You didn't think I'd find out, did you? HAHAHAHAHA) Ciao Bellas!

The 6 coolest things of the moment...

things to look at...

Robbie Williams stuff...
sign my guestbook! (I mean toasty guestbook...)
do the toaster quizlet, and win a fabulous prize!
have a chat in the toasty room
Buffy stuff...
do my toast-esque survey thingy
