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Hi, my name is Kathy & I work for a company named Melaleuca, Inc. I do not sell products from my home, keep an inventory or harrass people. I am a housewife who uses Melaleuca products. I share the benefits of Melaleuca with others and in return, I receive monthly pay-checks through the mail. The people I share with are friends, neighbors and family. Let me tell you a little about the company and what they offer. Almost everything we come in contact with contains or are made with chemicals. From the toothpaste we use to brush our teeth to the furniture polish and laundry detergent we use in our homes. CHEMICALS CAN CAUSE CANCER! Women who stay at home are exposed everyday. Anyone who brushes their teeth, washes their hands or cleans the house are too. SO WHAT DO WE DO.... Find other alternatives. Many of these natural products are expensive or simply don't work. So we continue to use products we find at the supermarket. Melaleuca offers a safe alternative at WHOLESALE PRICING. They DO NOT contain harmful chemicals. They are herbal-based, clean better and cost less than what we buy in the store. They are concentrated so they last longer. They do not use expensive advertising on T.V. or the newspapers, so by helping to 'share' Melaleuca they pass along the savings to you by offering commissions on any referrals you make. For more information, contact me by e-mail below ( and be sure to visit Melaleuca's website. I'd be happy to send you more information.

Build a Your Own Business and Use Healthy Products at wholesale cost.

Melaleuca offers:
