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Latin Name
Equisetum arvense

General Description
Horsetail has been valued since ancient times for its ability to stem the flow of blood, bind tissues and increase urine production. It is rich in silica, which helps mend broken bones and form collagen, an important constituent of bones and tissue. Herbalists today prescribe horsetail for urinary problems, wounds, benign prostate disorders and the pain of rheumatism or arthritis. More closely related to ferns than to flowering plants, horsetail is a perennial with hollow stems and shoots that resemble asparagus. All the aboveground parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Target Ailments
Taken internally for:

Applied externally for:

Over the counter:
Available as dried or fresh herb, capsules and tincture.

At home:
Tea: 2 tsp. dried herb or 1 tbsp. fresh herb steeped per cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. For bladder or kidney disorders, consumed cold, up to four cups a day. Tea applied externally to wounds, sores or mouth irritations.
Sitz bath: 3 to 4 oz. of herb soaked in 2 quarts of water for 5 minutes; steeped 30 minutes and added to bathwater.
Combinations: Used with hydrangea for prostate problems.

Special Information