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Latin Name
Coix lachryma jobi

General Description
The seeds are the functional parts of the coix plant, which is also known as Job's-tears. The full, round, white fruit is used as a food, and its seeds can be ingested over a long period of time without producing side effects other than a feeling of dryness. In traditional Chinese medicine the seeds are categorized as sweet, bland and slightly cold. The fruit is grown throughout China and harvested at the end of fall when the seeds have ripened.

Target Ailments
Taken internally for:

Coix seeds are available in bulk at Chinese pharmacies, Asian food markets and some Western health food stores. The herb can also be obtained in tablet form from some Chinese pharmacies.
Combinations: A preparation of coix mixed with poria mushrooms, kudzu root and atractylodes (white) is often prescribed for traveler's diarrhea, weak digestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, morning sickness, bloating and cramps. When combined with winter melon seed, aduki beans and akebia caulis, coix is given for inadequate urination. Other combinations are prescribed for diarrhea and internal abscesses. Consult a Chinese medicine practitioner for information on herbal preparations and dosages.

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