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Latin Name
Nepeta cataria

General Description
Herbalists have used the flowers and leaves of catnip, an aromatic member of the mint family, for more than 2,000 years. Today it is prescribed for easing digestion, calming nerves and relieving muscle spasms, including menstrual cramps. Cats are strongly attracted to catnip and may become intoxicated by eating it, but the herb has no such effect on humans.

Target Ailments
Taken internally for:

Applied externally for:

Over the counter:
Catnip is available in dried bulk flowers and leaves, tincture and tea bags.

At home:
Crushed catnip leaves pressed into minor cuts and scrapes, before washing and bandaging them.
Infusion: 1 cup boiling water poured onto 2 tsp. dried leaves and steeped for 10 to 15 minutes.
Combinations: Mixed with boneset, elder, yarrow or cayenne for colds.

Special Information

Would you like to try this herb
Without spending a small fortune?
This herb comes in sample tea bags, 12 for $1.50
This herb comes in a 4oz Sell Ease bulk tub for $2.00

Can you make your own tincture from this tub, and save money?
Of course.
All Sell Ease tubs are shipped with complete instructions for making tinctures, salve, ointments and more!
No minimum order is required, but
Minimum shipping on all orders up to two pounds priority mail is $3.20
Which means you can mix and match herb tubs and sample teas many many! For the same shipping costs!
Send this page as your order blank, with the quantity desired along with the $2.00 tub cost and $3.20 shipping To:
2665 Table Rock Road
Oakland, MD 21550