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Etiology: Inflammation of the vagina.

CAUSES: May be caused by microorganisms such as gonococci , chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, spirochetes; chemical irruption from use of strong chemicals in douching; fungus infection; protozoan infection; irritation from foreign bodies (pessaries, IUDs); vitamin deficiency as in pellagra; conditions involving vulva and surrounding area, as uncleanliness or intestinal parasites.

In other words, vaginitis may be caused by bacteria, a yeast infection, excessive improper douching, a vitamin B deficiency, or intestinal worms.

The most common cause seems to be taking antibiotics, which destroy the good bacteria in the body, or taking oral contraceptives.

SYMPTOMS: Free purulent vaginal discharge, sometimes malodorous and occasionally stained with blood. There is irritation, burning and itching of the vulvae and perineum, increased frequency of micturition (urination), and smarting pain on the passage of urine. The vaginal mucous membrane is reddened and there may be superficial ulceration.

TREATMENT: Specific therapy is indicated. Check with the doctor. Improve perineal hygiene by obtaining proper instructions of cleaning the anus after bowel movement, proper use of menstrual protection materials, and necessity of drying the vulvae following urination. Douching is not essential to the maintenance of vaginal health or cleanliness.




SUGGESTIONS:Avoid taking zinc and iron supplements until healed. Bacterial infections require iron for growth. The body will store iron in compartments in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow when a bacterial infection is present in order to prevent further growth of the bacteria.

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