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"The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you'll have." - Anna Quindlen MARCH IS RED CROSS MONTH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WASHINGTON, 28 February 2001 Following a 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struch 11 miles northeast of Olympia at 10:55 AM PST, American Red Cross disaster relief workers mobilized supplies to operate shelters, provide meals and provide basic health and mental health services. Red Cross mental health workers, specially focused on meeting the needs of children and the elderly, will help victims of the quake deal with the emotional trauma caused by the disaster. The Seattle-King County Chapter of the American Red Cross has been teaching earthquake preparedness for years to help residents remain safe before and after an earthquake. In preparation for disasters, the Red Cross has pre-positioned 17 containers with shelter supplies for 350 people throughout the area. The Red Cross initially plans to open shelters in Tacoma, King, Lewis and Thurston counties. Twelve Emergency Response Vehicles are being mobilized in the area. Additionally, a quick response team of experts in damage assessment, logistics, shelter management, feeding and health services left Washington, DC Wednesday to join relief workers already responding in Puget Sound to the earthquake. They will help to determine the size and scope of the Red Cross relief effort and will coordinate vital services. The quake was centered about 11 miles northeast of Olympia and 35 miles southwest of Seattle and was felt in Salt Lake City, 700 miles away. Witnesses in Seattle said the ground shook for about 45 seconds and was followed by a strong ground roll. The long lasting tremor was felt as far away as Portland, OR. The largest quake to strike Seattle was 7.4, making this one of the strongest in the state's history. More than 25 people in Seattle and Olympia, WA were reported injured. There are reports of power outages and scattered damage to homes and businesses. Phones and communications systems have been jammed with people trying to find out about loved ones. Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle is showing the greatest amount of damage in masonry building. The Seattle-King County Chapter of the American Red Cross received little damage but is functioning on generator power. For further information, go to one or more of the following links: AMERICAN RED CROSS - DISASTER RELIEF - ANNOTATED DISASTER MENTAL HEALTH LINKS NATURAL DISASTER REFERENCE DATABASE NATURAL HAZARDS CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, BOULDER * * * * * * * * * * The Red Cross provides the following tips in the event an aftershock strikes an earthquake stricken area. WHEN AFTERSHOCKS OCCUR, PEOPLE SHOULD: * DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! Move only a few steps to a nearby safe place. Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you're sure it's safe to exit. Stay away from windows. In a high-rise building, expect the fire alarms and sprinklers to go off during a quake. * If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. * If you are outdoors, find a clear spot away from buildings, trees and power lines. Drop to the ground. * If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a clear place (as described above). Stay in the car until the shaking stops. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ****************************************************************************************

Health Information for Minority Woman From the Office on Women's Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this Web site provides topical health information on each minority group - including nutrition, substance abuse, reproductive health and osteoporosis. The site also provides fact sheets, frequently asked questions, press releases, links to other sites and search engines. * * * * * * * * * *

Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC),

A federal program designed to reduce child and youth mortality and morbidity sustained due to severe illness or trauma, has created a Pediatric Emergency Care Resource Kit. The kit is available in CD-ROM format and was developed with close cooperation among government, national and professional organizations. The resource kit provides critical information about techniques and equipment to support and improve pediatric injury and illness prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Psychology practitioners working in medical settings may find the materials particularly useful. The entire kit is available free of charge at For more information, contact Suzanne Sellman, Communications Director, EMSC National Resource Center, (202) 884-6843; Email: ****************************************************************************************


Meditation is a general word which is used to describe a wide variety of mental relaxation techniques, many of which have strong religious or cultural overtones. The central purpose, however, of meditation activities is the focus of attention on the inner self, decreased thought patterns having to do with daily activities, and steering attention away as much as possible from the environment. However long that meditation lasts, it should be a period in which there is an attempt to separate from daily routines and to concentrate on achieving a mentally relaxed state. While relaxation training acts to ease tension in the body, meditation works in exactly the same fashion for the mind. Therefore, since many stressors are constantly with us because we continue to think about them, meditation provides a means of eliminating, or at least reducing, these sources of stress. LOCATION Just as with the relaxation process, meditation should be performed in a quiet location which has a minimum of outside distractions. Everything possible needs to be done to ensure remaining undisturbed during the meditation process. POSITION There are many positions to choose from for meditation. However, it is important that you should be situated in a fashion such that you will not fall asleep during the meditation process. Complicated positions are probably not good for a beginner. As an example, the classic lotus position in yoga is quite difficult to properly accomplish without a great deal of practice. The best position for a beginner is probably either sitting tailor fashion on the floor with legs crossed, or relaxed in a straight-backed chair with feet on the floor and hands resting on the thighs. Once a position has been selected and assumed it's a good idea to make sure that body weight is evenly balanced and you are generally relaxed and comfortable. TECHNIQUES There are literally dozens of ways in which to meditate. Keeping in mind that the purpose of meditation is to relax the mind, then any technique that allows you to think about something other than daily stress sources is likely to be a successful one. COUNTING One of the most common methods of emptying the mind is to count numbers in some fixed sequence, over and over. Count breaths, heartbeats, or simply repeat a group of numbers time and time again (a social security number might be used for this purpose). The act of counting should serve to keep the mind empty of thoughts which are likely to be stress-producing. IMAGING Choose a picture that you like. Study it mentally each time you are meditating. When you concentrate so closely on the picture, your mind becomes blank to most other thoughts. Be sure to select a picture you know well (a real picture or simply an image of a place or activity you have experienced). Use the same picture each time. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY A regular, industrious program of Physical Activity is one of the most common forms of stress management used. It is often used without being aware that it is reducing stress. Many games like handball, tennis, bowling, jogging, etc. are done because one feels better afterward - mentally and physically. BODY RELAXATION Muscular tenseness is one of the most common components of a stress reaction. Vigorous physical activity reduces, and often eliminates, this tenseness. This is because it forces the muscles to perform their usual functions. It uses up excess metabolic materials that were needed to maintain a constant state of tension. People who partake regularly in demanding physical activity report feelings of relaxed calmness after an exercise period. These feelings, together with the stress-reducing nature of physical activity, make exercise a major candidate for the control of local symptoms following stressful interactions. Physical activity works through the normal function of muscles and requires little preparation or training, whereas systematic relaxation does. STRESS BY-PRODUCT ELIMINATION Stress reactions cause a numbers of changes in body chemistry. These are what is primarily responsible for the unpleasant side effects surrounding and following stress-producing experiences. Rigorous physical activity utilizes these by-products of stress responses and brings the operating chemistry of the body back to normal pre-stress levels. The onset of stress responses release sugars, hormones, and other materials into the bloodstream. There it prepares the individual to fight or to flee. When the individual sits tight, doing nothing, these stress-produced materials can become detrimental to health. But, engaging in demanding physical effort rapidly uses up these stress by-products, relieving at least the local symptoms of the stress syndrome. This quick elimination of stress-response components decreases both the amount and intensity of the reaction, speeding up the regaining of control over the syndrome. THOUGHT RE-DIRECTION Stress responses can be quite harmful when they affect one to the degree that just thinking about a stressful situation intensifies or prolongs the reaction. Physical activity has the advantage of re-directing one's thoughts away from stress-provoking circumstances toward acts which are more directly concerned with the physical effort. By forcing the focus on the action itself, physical activity provides a means for breaking up habit patterns of reviewing stressful situations and reacting to them, even when they are in the past. The above are most likely to occur when physical activity meet the following criteria: VIGOROUS ACTIVITY Exercises should be strenuous and demanding enough to require an effort by the whole body and should engage attention and concentration for the duration of the activity. Choose an activity that you personally like but which still meets the criterion of vigorous application. For your own safety, it is important to have a complete physical exam prior to beginning a regular program of physical exercise. REGULAR ACTIVITY A particular activity should be performed on a regular basis. Since many stress-producing situations appear more or less constantly, it is important that the physical outlet you select be worked into your day such that there is always a block of time in which to complete the activity. A stress reduction strategy which includes a physical activity component will have its greatest positive effect under conditions where the above described advantages of exercise are regularly available. Individuals do not normally feel or experience stress when: 1. They feel they can handle the demands in their environment, because they feel they have the personal and/or material resources to meet all demands or opportunities; or 2. They alter the demands to balance their available resources. How an individual responds to stress is partially determined by their perceptions, coping skills and strengths, and the adequacy of their support system. *********************************************************************************** For further information on this topic and to search for and order and purchase books on this topic, go to the search engine below and begin by trying the following descriptors: Meditation, Relaxation training, Stress reduction, Imagery and relaxation, body relaxation, physical activity and meditation, relaxation and thought re-direction, etc. *********************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Contact your local Mental Health Center or check the yellow pages for counselors, psychologists, therapists, and other Mental health Professionals in your area for further information. ***************************************************************************** George W. Doherty O'Dochartaigh Associates Box 786 Laramie, WY 82073 MENTAL HEALTH MOMENTS Online: