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  • Roll of Honour - Sinestra
  • Tillers - Gifts and Food
  • About me:

    I play a Night Elf Druid and I started around patch 1.4, I remember having to spec for Innervate.
    I recently moved to raid in a top end guild, around top 40 in 25man in the world.
    I also have multiple druid alts at max level as well as a Death Knight, Rogue, Mage and Paladin.
    My raiding started purely by chance during The Burning Crusade, I had just come back from a break from the game, the guild I had joined with some friends, I knew them from Unreal Tournament, Tacchi and Lilandra from OAP, was Stormfury had disbanded. One fateful day I was still guildless and managed to join a pug dungeon and was invited to join the guild of the group I was healing. The guild was Shadow and Light and the player who invited me was Warspirit, the Guild Master.

    Eternal - Cronic, Dribb, Deformis, Sofa, Deformis, Daunti, Avarus, Flubke, Healmasterr, Bouchard

    Edgeways - Rosesoul

    Alt - Msalp, Dual Box

    Cause and Effect
    Flossimop, Orticus, Omegaburr/Inochii

    Sennas, Cirodar, Nandia, Jintar,




    Ad Infinitum