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Fundraising And Income Opportunities Page

Welcome to the Fundraising and Income Opportunities page of the First International Church Of The Web. On this page you'll find affiliate programs and other income opportunities which have been personally tested by me, Brother Dave, and I can honestly say that the programs listed here do actually work and have earned me actual commission checks. In addition to representing fundraising and income opportunities for you and your church or ministry, by participating through the links here you also help support our church. Help yourself, help your church or ministry, and help our church!

GoToWorld Pays you to surf the web!

Get Paid To Surf The Web!

GoToWorld is a browser that pays you to use it! Simply download the browser and surf, and earn an hourly rate for up to 40 hours a month. In addition, you can refer others to GoToWorld, and earn commissions on the hours they surf, as well. And the browser itself has a lot of nice features and options, including translations to and from other languages. Truly an internationally oriented browser, and fun to use as well! One of the great things about GoToWorld is that it isn't even necessary to have a personal website to earn money while on the internet. Highly recommended for our members who would like to help our church.

Affiliate Programs

Card Search USA

Card Search USA helps people receive credit cards, credit reports, re-establish credit, and other financial services, even setting up e-commerce accounts. This program is especially effective if run on e-commerce enabled websites, or any sites which accept credit card purchases. In addition to earning a commission on each sale, you earn a percentage of sales made by your downline. Pays twice monthly.


Viagra is a significant medical breakthrough that has returned intimacy and joy to many marriages, and if you don't think that's a good thing, read the Song of Solomon! It is also one of the fastest selling products in decades. KwikMed allows individuals to receive an online consultation from a doctor and a prescription if they qualify. In addition, customers can also order Propecia, Celebrex, and Xenical, any of which you can promote instead of Viagra if you're uncomfortable offering Viagra on your website. Not only is this an "easy sell", but it's also easy to quickly build a downline working for you. You may even choose to concentrate strictly on building a downline. I personally had 6 affiliates join my downline in the first two weeks I participated in this program. I believe this program has great potential to earn sizable income.

A Word About Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs operate by participants running banners on their websites linking to their assigned affiliate websites. In addition to being able to order the products or services you offered, visitors to your affiliate sites will have an opportunity to participate in the programs and be part of your downline. They should not be run on servers that do not allow affiliate programs, such as GeoCities. An important element of making any affiliate program work is site traffic. The greater the traffic to your site, the greater your chance of truly profiting from participating.

Special Offer From The Jesus Is Lord Banner Exchange Network

For a limited time only, participate in any of the programs above and receive 1000 banner exposures from the Jesus Is Lord Banner Exchange Network absolutely free! Simply E-Mail Brother Dave with the details of which program you're participating in. When you register with the Banner Exchange, simply give the URL of the banner(s) you wish to run. There's no need to include any html on your affiliate site (they don't allow that sort of html editing of the sites, anyway). You'll receive 1000 banner exposures on quality sites to help you kick start your program and build your downline.

Jesus Is Lord Banner Exchange
Jesus Is Lord Banner Exchange