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Goku & Vegeta's
W e l c o m e   T o  G o k u   &    V e g e t a' s   
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  W h y   W e  M a d e  T h i s  W e b  S i t e

  I finaly decided to show you people the new site. Though this site is new its content needs updating. "Understand DBZ Better" needs updating BADLY and the Bios are not ready yet. The reason this site took so much longer then I had anticipated it to was because it was hacked, and whom ever did it deleted every thing. I did not have the files on back up so I had to redo the whole thing. Not to mention the other websites I work on. Anyway expect a update on this sites content in the next couple of weeks.

W h o's   B e h i n d  T h i s   S i t e' s   D e v e l o p m e n t


  • Metallifan: Any questions about DragonBall Z in general (As in questions that might puzzle you about the series), and any questions about Articles, Bios, Summaries, Ect. Should be directed to me.
  • RebelMan: Any questions about this site's design, development and updates, should be directed to me.

© Goku & Vegeta's 1999
This is a Copyright of this sites layout, design and information. DragonBall Z is the property of Toei Animation, Bird Studios, Akira Toriyama and FUNimation Productions.