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Julia's World!!

Alrighty,here they are...

Hey!!This page is about me and friends!Hehe.Anywayz heres a little bit about each of them including a email addy so you can email em and tell em I was talking about them!First of all there is Cody...


~*~Cody-Coby,my nickname for him,is like my big bro I never had He's sweet,caring,and funny and he's a cutey!Very good Christian!Pic in the Pictures page!And now guess what?Him and Rachel are going out!!!!!!Good luck you guys!!! They are sooooo cute together!~*~

Email Cody at:


~*~Timbrel-Don't talk to her much really,friend,etc. Email Timbrel at:


~*~Anthony-Ant,what can I say about Ant in such a little space?Servant of God is a main point.Good friend,worrys often,takes risks and most of the time comes out on top!One of my best friends.Pic in the Pictures Page!~*~ Email Ant at:


~*~Jimmy-Jughead,hehe.Very first person I talked to on the net,loves his tongue :oP Funny,caring,sweet,all around fun guy to hang with!Jimmy's got a gf!hehe!~*~ Email Jimmy at:


~*~Patrick-Patty-Cakes,hehe Very cute! :D More to come later... Email Patrick at:


~*~Michael-Michael,he's into medieval stuff.Like's knives,and swords(AHHHH!!!!!). Pic in the Pictures Page!Dont get any ideas!Very good Christian!~*~


~*~Dustin-Mr.Tv,one of my bestest friends,good artist,very funny,sweet,kind and I just love Dustin Language!.Very good Christian!Bestest friend!I wuv him too.He's fine!!!~*~

Email Dustin at:


~*~Jules-Jules,jokester,good friend,kind,caring,loves to tease Mikey hehe,servant of God.~*~ Email Jules at:


~*~Mike-"SmartGuy",or Mikey Thats DA Bomb Mikey Plays along with Jules tricks Kind,good friend,funny,sweet,cute,Pics here!Very good Christian!He THINKS he is smart but we all know better than that!~*~ Email Mikey at:


~*~Tim-Timmy,he's so cute!!!!!Wonderful guy!!I love you!!!!I miss him when he's not on :*( He's just the greatest!!!Totally fine,and so sweet.BTW,Timmy,your webpage needs a certain someones name mentioned on it..*grins*~*~ Email Tim at:


~*~Jeremy-Jules introduced us :o) Very nice,kind and helpful,serves God,very funny dude,he is like way cool too :o)Good Christian!Meanyhead!!...j/k~*~


~*~Daniel-Very crazy guy from Germany!He's a great friend,he's trying to teach me how to speak German(I might learn since I aint a blonde :oP)~*~


~*~Alan-Ak,Ant's bestest friend and a good one of mine!A very good Christian and a faithful memeber of The CRA(more on that to come you all!)Hiya Alan!~*~.


~*~Steve-Jason's bestest friend and one very funny dude!A bit sarcastic but hey who isnt?One very cool dude! ;o)~*~


~*~Tim-A very quiet and shy friend,who loves baseball!I have to do all the talking when I talk to him but hey you know me I love to talk!~*~


~*~"Matt"-Real name Samuel but he hates it so I call him Matt.My nickname from him is Nik so if you see that in the guest book its me!Good friend,nice,sweet you know :o)~*~


~*~Eric-Well I dont know what to call him,Mikey introuduced us,he's 11y/o.Pretty 'interesting'dude. ;o)


~*~Harish-Last but not least is Harish!Great email pal from India!Sweet,kind,nice!Just like me...j/k Maybe meeting him next year!That'd be fun you know!Picture is here!~*~


~*~Cherish-She's very nice and sweet...talkitive,like meA very friendly person,a good Christian.~*~


~*~Corey-Coreys Mikey's friend...the dude is pretty cool... :)


~*~Jacques(name spelled right right?)I have troubles spelling his name! :) He's a cool guy in South Africa and we are currently trying to work on a page. :)


~*~Saddam-I dont have a nickname for him yet...Let me think...hmmmm...Sad?I dont know...anyways he is a good email pal :) and someone actually thinks moi` looks good...shocking(my pic to come)


~*~Edward-He's a sweety :)Eddie :) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~David-Davey :) I came to my page...decided to take a quick look at the guest book...and what do I see?David signed!Then guilt followed!Look at me?I can't believe myself.Known him for about two weeks and still haven't updated and put him on here!I'm sowwie Davey!Your just so sweet!I'm glad Patrick had you IM moi` :) I just love chatting with ya!And you all,guess what?He actually like the way I talk!Shocking :) He's cool!(he has to be if he likes the way I talk ya know).


~*~John-Now we can't forget the twin bro of Davey,can we?Nope!He's cool too!And sweet.But he repeats himself over and over and over!Hehe!And Davey and John come from a great Christian family!They sing too!And their father is a missionary!


~*~Whelp thats all my friends!Pics to come.Hey hey check out their webpages on the links!If you want more info(I dont see why you would but anywayz)email me! Email moi` at:~**~ Thanks for visiting!TTFN and God bless!Hey also one more thing sign the guest book you all!Bye!~*~


~*~Last Update:July 1st,1999~*~


~*~Note:If your name isnt on here then I am soooo sorry that its not and I will get your name on here ~*~

~*~Princess Julia†††~*~

Note 2:~*~Click the more pictures link to see the rest of the pictures...I ran out of room on here plus the pictures are not working...more detail on that in the more pictures page!Please visit LOL,Locks Of Love! Thank you all!~*~Click the dragonfly for Gurl Postcards!Click Locks Of Love for Locks Of Love!Click SignUp for Chickmail!!

~*~If anyone has any ideas for my page please email me!


A love poem by Jules(he says I helped but I didnt write any of it)~~~>

When I was young I fell into love, my every thought was enslaved,My heart was soaring high above, not knowing it was depraved Reality was gone forevermore, as I pursued this fantasy Vainlessly praying for the best, knowing this would not endure.That day finally came as I knew it would...the day I had feared so greatly, This love that that had made me feel so good, was just causing me sorrow lately Beware of love my treasured friend, beware of it's deception It will hurt you in the end And there will be no correction.~~Jules


Cats are such a fickle breed, fair weather friends are they One moment purring love indeed, the next you are their prey...........Clever kittys know our hearts, they know what we'll endure; We think that we have all the smarts, but they have so much more.~~~Jules

New updates coming soon...that is as soon as I hear some....

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Cody's Page!
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Timbrel's Page!
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Mikeys(Da Bomb)Page!
Anthonys Page!
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~*~Tim's Page~*~