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6030 N. Sheridan Road - Chicago, IL 60660

37921 N. Dilleys Road - Wadsworth, IL 60083


Welcome to Egypt Tours and Travel. Here you will find several packages available for those who wish to take a quality tour. Please browse through our packages. After seeing what packages we offer, you may book your tour on our online reservation form. If you are booking from outside the USA, please deduct $920 for international airfare. Our packages can be tailor/custom-made and can start any day of the week.

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A Word From Our President
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Terms and Conditions


Egypt Tours and Travel contact information

6030 N. Sheridan Rd, #104 
Chicago, IL 60660
37921 N. Dilleys Road Wadsworth, IL 60083
1-(800) 573-4978
1-(800) 503-4978
Tel (773) 506-9999
1-(800) TO-EGYPT
1-(800) 52-EGYPT
Fax (773) 506-9996

Egypt Tours and Travel is a Land and Cruise Tour operator which is specialized in tours to Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Kenya, Greece, and Iran.

We use some of the most sophisticated and luxurious cruise ships on the Nile today!!

We have three offices between the United States and Egypt and with one of them on the grounds of the famous "Gold Pyramid House". We also have numerous representatives in other countries.You can rest assured that you are dealing with a financially stable and reputable company that will provide you with the professional and quality service that you expect. Here is what Governor Edgar of the State of Illinois had to say about our service and his trip to Egypt:

April 25, 1995
Ashraf Michael
Egypt Tours & Travel
4353 N. Harding Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618

Dear Ash:

Brenda and I would like to thank you for all you did to make our stay at the Mena House and in Egypt comfortable. The room was wonderful. I also appreciate all the accommodations made to assure that I was transported to my meetings.

As with all trips of this nature, there is never enough time to see and experience everything. Brenda and I hope to return to Egypt to tour at a more leisurely pace.

We hope all is well with Manal. She did an excellent job as a tour guide under difficult circumstances.

Thank you again for all of your assistance.

We have many satisfied customers, some of which we have listed for you.


Click on the below link to view the packages we have to offer you!!

Egypt Tours and Travel Packages!!



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