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The portal to this NEW dimension is open as of 09~13~99.

This dimension can be found in these realms, THE INTERPLANETARY RAILROAD and THE INTERACTIVE SCIENCE FICTION WEBSITE, see how this dimension developed there...


The year is 2083. Man has walked on mars. The moon has been colonized. Cancer has been cured. All these great accomplishments have bettered life on Earth. None, however, have caused such sweeping changes to our culture as the linking of the computer with the human brain.

Every human baby is now implanted with a tiny computer, which works with and enhances the child's brain. School is no longer necessary. Now, all children need to do is to download the information they need through their implanted computers.

With the invention of brain implanted computers came the new communication medium known as the Mindnet. Through the Mindnet, implanted humans can communicate with each other "telepathically" using radio transmitters and receivers in their implants. People far apart can meet in virtual reality by simply wishing it to be so.

With this huge breakthrough came tremendous danger, when the first "brain virus" was discovered on the Mindnet. Someone on the Mindnet is creating and transmitting computer viruses which do not only infect computer implants, but also the human brain, causing loss of memory, insanity, or worse.

My name is Victor Roth, I am a Mindnet policeman who's job is to prevent abuse of the Mindnet and ensure the safety of it's users. I have been assigned the task of finding the "brainbomber," in the real world or in the cyber world, and bringing him to justice. This is my story.


I guess this all started when my parents decided to have a child, because I have no implant, the precinct wanted an untainted source to solve their biggest case, and I, Victor, was the only one. When I was born, my parents chose not to have the Mindnet computer implanted into my cerebellum, afraid for my safety and sanity in the future. They based this decision on past human history.

The human race at the end of the twentieth century had developed a more primitive form of Mindnet, called the Internet, which brought the same basic operations to the entire world. I was a revolutionary new way of communicating, until terrorists began to destroy the economy and bend the world powers to their will. Computer viruses and wrong information fed into the Internet by these terrorist were the same things that drove my parents to make there decision.

Those who don't have the computer implants are called noncomps by those who believe that they are superior in every way with the artificial augmentations. It wasn't till the late 2050's when the world government laid to rest all fears of terrorist acts using Mindnet, and, of course my parents had another child, which they decided to have the computer implanted in. At this point I was five years old, and already beginning to understand the ramifications of my parents decision, of not to put in the implant, on my life.

I had been opposed to getting the computer implanted when I came an adult, to prove to myself and to others that noncomps, were just as able, as comps. To prove my point even more, I joined the world police force. I was rather shocked one morning when I reported for my patrol assignment, when the captain called me into her office. I had been a lieutenant for nearly seven years, when the force promoted me to detective. I was rather cautious of accepting the promotion, and I had every right to be. In order for me to accept the new rank, I had to get a Mindnet computer implant.

I wasn't thrilled with this option, I carefully weighed the pros and cons as one does when stuck in situations such as this. It did pay better and it would finally get me into more interesting work other than settling the common domestic dispute. The captain told me to take my time, at the end of the patrol that same day, I had made up my mind. I nervously walked into her office and said yes.

The procedure was rather quick and with only minimal amount danger to older patients, such as myself. The RN that assisted with the operation led me to the soft chair in the operating room. A small piece of machinery was attached to the ceiling directly above the chair. A small sharp tube was at the end of an arm that was motorized. She helped me into the chair and picked up a syringe. She pressed it against my arm and depressed the button that allowed the anesthetic to be pushed into my bloodstream. It acted very quickly and my vision blurred, then darkness.

I came to, in a hospital room. I walked to the window on the far end of the room in a complete daze. It was dark outside, except for the city lights on the horizon. I must have stood there for hours, trying to remember what it was that had put me into a hospital. It was difficult to assimilate all the information and background noise flowing through my implant. The implant! I remember now. I turned away from the window and found a sink with a mirror above it. Leaning in close, I pushed my hair away from my forehead to reveal the large scab from where the tube entered my head.

I woke up again, back in my bed. I must have fallen asleep again. This time, sunlight was streaming through my window, a nurse was there, laying my civvies across the back of the chair. A short conversation with her, revealed that I had been in and out of consciousness for nearly three days, and that today was my last day in the hospital. There was a link terminal on a table, I accessed the basic operational information in my computer on how to use the transmitter, and I decided to see what all the hype was about. In the virtual link, I found a news feed, and discovered that the "brain virus" was infecting more and more comps each week. The amount infected was still small, but was becoming a huge threat. I deactivated the link terminal and got dressed, remembering the whole reason why I needed this operation.

I returned to the precinct. The captain, had obviously been apprised of my condition, because she was waiting for me at my new desk with a file chip in her hand. It contained all the known information about the unsolvable " brainbomber" case.

My first case, was where the file left off, on Los Angeles Island...




Sunday, November 21, 1999 11:19:12 PM


Use this terminal to transport to other dimensions or back to my plane of existence...