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(This is a partial listing)

Read the appropriate Psalm Aloud 3X Times in a row each day to get the results listed: 

For Academic Success, Psalm 119

To make Soldiers Safe From Injury, Psalm 26  

For Freedom from an Accident while Traveling, Psalm 124 

To communicate with Angels, Psalm 104 

To gain confidence, Psalm 26

To overcome fear of animals, Psalm 58

To Open Doors, Psalm 20, 34 & 119 Verses: 41 to 48

To overcome trouble, and loss from business partner (s), Psalms 27 

To overcome anxiety, Psalm 40 & 94 

To break bad luck, Psalm 53 

To have a baby when barren, Psalm 113 

Make yourself forever safe from poverty, Psalm 28

To be beautiful, Ezekiel 16:13 

To heal bruises, Psalm 147 

For upper body pain healing, Psalm 119 

For protection from bullies, Psalm 7 

For protection from burglars, Psalm 48 

For success in business, Psalm 13, 26, 27, 28, 108 & 115 

For change of employment, Psalm 81

For someone who drinks too much, Psalm 22 

To become fortunate in all undertakings, Psalm 27

To ensure success of your children, Psalm 127 

For loyal support of colleagues, Psalm 110 

To develop your confidence, Psalm 100 

For Court Cases, Psalm 11

To Win Courts  favor, Psalm 4 &120

For Acquittal, when Falsely Charged, Psalm 26 

For a law suit, Psalm 21 

When in trouble with the law, Psalm 61

For healing of cuts, Psalm 147 

For protection from danger, Psalm 18 & 91 

For protection from violent death, Psalm 116 

When you are deserted, Psalm 108 

To help you make the right decisions, Psalm 119 

For relief from depression, Psalm 13, 31 & 87 

For release from despondency, Psalm 142 

For protection from disasters, Psalm 57 & 125 

To get discharged from a hospital, Psalm 41 

To overcome a disfiguring disease, Psalm 34 

To banish doubt, Psalm 13 

For rain after a drought, Psalm 68 

For safety from drowning, Psalm 32 & 69 

For loyal support from your employees, Psalm 110 

For encouragement, Psalm 100 

For endurance of pain, Psalm 129 

To overcome fear of enemies, Psalm 83 

For energy to stay awake, Psalm 119 

To escape poor housing, Psalm 55 

To be popular, Psalm 56

When you are Sad, Psalm 139

When you are over burdened or overwhelmed, Psalm 118 & 145 

For relief from exhaustion, Psalm 6 

For exorcism of a building, Psalm 29 

For healing disease of eyes & eyestrain relief, Psalm 12 & 119 

For faith that prayer will be answered, Psalm 66 

For fame, Psalm 118 

For family harmony, Psalm 133 

For success in fishing, Psalm 8 

For protection from flooding, Psalm 19 & 69 

For a supply of food, Psalm 78 & 145 

For forgiveness, Psalm 44 

For healing of fractures, Psalm 147 

For guidance about the future, Psalm 39 

For a fruitful garden, Psalm 65 

To have a right attitude towards God, Psalm 95 

For good fortune, Psalm 96 & 97 

For restoration of good name, Psalm 123 

For good news, Psalm 143 

For good publicity, Psalm 37 

For protection against gossip, Psalm 12 

For grace to be a better person, Psalm 101 

For grandchildren, Psalm 128 

For gratitude for blessings received, Psalm 117 & 150 

For overcoming grief, Psalm 31 

For help from your guardian angel, Psalm 103 

For guidance, Psalm 11, 39, 43, 99, & 119 

For overcoming feelings of guilt, Psalm 38 & 51 

For success in the use of your hands, Psalm 144 

For happiness in your life, Psalm 97 

For happiness in old age, Psalm 71 

For increasing marital harmony, Psalm 45 

For increasing harmony with neighbors, Psalm 28 

For healing headaches, Psalm 119: Verse 162 

To heal fractures, bruises, and cuts, Psalm 147 

For good health, Psalm 67 & 92 

For help to overcome temptation, Psalm 119 

For relief of homesickness, Psalm 137 

For relief of hip pain, Psalm 119: Verse 72 

To bless a house, Psalm 93 or 122 

For success in hunting, Psalm 8 

For recovery from an illness, Psalm 30, 80 & 109 

For cure of impotence, Psalm 9 & 33 

For political influence, Psalm 2 

For freedom from insomnia, Psalm 4 & 16 

For divine inspiration, Psalm 99 

For justice in a lawsuit, Psalm 82 

For success in lawsuits, Psalm 35, 75, 82 & 40

 For release from unjust imprisonment, Psalm 71, 79, 142 

For protection of livestock, Psalm 64 

For protection after life threats, Psalm 64 

For a long life, Psalm 90, 119 &128 

For a healthy liver, Psalm 119: Verse 72 

For personal magnetism, Psalm 110 & 111 

For marital harmony, Psalm 45 

Improve Self-Esteem, Psalm 8

For material blessings, Psalm 85 

For a new start, Psalm 53 

To overcome night fears, Psalm 63 

For relief from pain, Psalm 6 &129 

For peace of mind, Psalm 23 

For protection of your pets, Psalm 36 

For overcoming phobias, Psalm 27 

For help in solving problems, Psalm 119 & 73 

For help in keeping your promises, Psalm 76 & 119 

For prosperity, Psalm 52, 72, 106 & 108 

For protection, Psalm 91 

For protection of the home, Psalm 18 

For success in public speaking, Psalm 19 

For quarreling to stop, Psalm 85 Verse :12 

For a safe sea passage, Psalm 89 

For self improvement, Psalm 101 

For serenity in a hostile atmosphere, Psalm 120 

For protection against slander, Psalm 12 

For sound sleep, Psalm 4 & 16 

For spiritual refreshment, Psalm 42 

For a stray loved one to return, Psalm 123 

For success in your work, Psalm 90 

For freedom of worry, Psalm 3 

To live if wounded, Ezekiel 16 Verse: 6 

For youthfulness, Psalm 1 

Psalms for Making Peace between Husband and Wife

Psalms 45 and 46 -- Whoever has a scolding wife, let him pronounce the 45th Psalm over pure olive oil, and anoint his body with it, when his wife, in the future will be more lovable and friendly. But if a man has innocently incurred the enmity of his wife, and desires a proper return of conjugal love and peace, let him pray the 46th Psalm over olive oil, and anoint his wife thoroughly with it, and, it is said, married love will again return. 
(Psalm 45 refers to anointing with "the oil of gladness" and to the "rejoicing" that occurs when the "glorious" daughter of the King of Tyre is brought before the King. Psalm 46 contains the words, "God is in the midst of her...God shall help her...He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the Earth.") 

Psalm to Make Your Home Lucky

Psalm 61 -- When you are about to take possession of a new dwelling, repeat this Psalm just before moving in, with a suitable prayer, trusting in the name of Schaddei, and you will experience blessing and good fortune. The letters comprising this name are taken from the words: Schimmu, verse 2, Ken, verse 9, and Jom, the last word of this Psalm. It should, however, be remarked, that both the last letters are selected according to the alphabetical order of Ajack Bechar. 
(Psalm 61 contains the lines, "Thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Thy tabernacle forever; I will trust in the covert of Thy wings." The reference to "the alphabetical order of Bechar" is obscure Kabbalistic in-fighting about variant rules of gematria which non-Kabbalists can safely ignore.) 

Psalm for Safe Travel at Night

Psalm 121 -- Are you compelled to travel alone by night, pray this Psalm reverently seven times, and you will be safe from all accidents and evil occurrences. 
(Psalm 121 opens with the line, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.") 

Psalm for Severe Headache or Backache

Psalm 3 -- Whosoever is subject to severe headache and backache, let him pray this Psalm [...] over a small quantity of olive oil, [and] anoint the head or back while in prayer. This will afford immediate relief. 
(Psalm 3 contains the line, "Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter of mine head.") 

Psalm for a Repentant Liar

Psalm 132 -- If you have sworn to perform anything punctually, and notwithstanding your oath you neglect to perform your obligation, and in this manner have perjured yourself, you should, in order to avoid a future crime of a similar kind, pray this Psalm daily with profound reverence. 
(Psalm 132 contains the line, "The Lord hath sworn the truth unto David; he will not turn from it.") 


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