What's up? Welcome to the Realm of the Blue Devils. Here you will learn alot more about the crew.

Here are some words from Kyle K about the Blue Devils crew and how it all got started:

"One Day, I was rappin' at DaGhetto, and I had been solo for awhile. I didn't want to be solo though, but I wasn't sure if I was good enough to be accepted into a clique. When I started there were two cliques at DaGhetto, Dark Angelz & Dark Empire, they both still there. Anyways, I was thinkin' about a name for tha clique, and I couldn't think of one. I was thinkin about somethin in tha midwest or somethin like that. Then it hit me, to use tha mascot of my high school, The Blue Devils, I changed the e in the to an a makin it tha, and the s in Devils to a z makin it Devilz. I asked an online friend to join, he said yeah, but he had never freestyled before. I asked him what his name was gonna be, and he told me to make one up. So I gave him my alias "Real Deal Holyfield", and we did a collab, and I dont consider him a member anymore, just a pillar of tha BD Nation. Then, I asked Shokk to join(guess what he said), and I got Lil Deuce to join, and Al Skratch to join(just kiddin'), and got a guy named Candyman(not Candyman 187, just candyman) he was good, but gave BD too much hype so we let him go, then we picked up Candyman 187 and then we got Fatal. We currently have Me(Kyle K), Shokk, Al Skratch, Fatal, & Candyman 187. And, I just got word(as of April 25, 1999) that we may get three more members...Sun, Dark Prince, & Galaxy Nine, all of the former clique Dark Empire(which disbanded in late April '99). I never thought in my wildest dreams that Tha Blue Devilz would be so big."
- Kyle K(Founder/Leader of Tha Blue Devilz)

I hope you enjoy your visit here. Peace.

We got a record deal!

July 30 - We got another new member added to the profies, name Mystic Missionary.
July 25 - Yeah, we got another new member. Zen, formerly of Sickest Drama, has joined BD. You can check for his profile here.
July 8 - We got another new member, Illex. More info can be found on him in the profiles.
July 7 - Sorry about the lack of updates. Not too much going on. Anyway, we got another new member, Trials, and you can find him in the profiles. And Kyle K won't be releasing his album, Good & Evil, but Alfontane (Formerly Al Skratch) is still gonna release his album, The Narrator coming out late this month, and his first single will be The Projects, which will be out later on this week. The reason for the lack of updates was because we were battling this crew called ISD. They had beef with both us and DA.
June 17 - News: Al Scratch (name change coming soon to avoid more criticism), Fatal, and Flip Mode formed a 3 man crew called "Blue Devestation".
June 10 - We got a new member, Flip Mode. You can peep his profile here. Remember, keep a lookout for Al Scratch's album, The Narrator to drop in July and Kyle K's Good & Evil to drop in August. He said it's almost finished so it might be out a little earlier than that.
June 7 - Peep some info on Al Scratch's solo album, The Narrator, here.
June 3 - News: Kyle K and Al Scratch are each working on solo albums now for DA Records. Kyle K's album will be called Good & Evil and more info on that can be checked out on here. Al Scratch's album will be titled The Narrator. Click here to hear Al's freestyle in real audio. Click here to for the lyrics to it. So far there is no official release date set any of these albums, but we'll keep you posted.
May 30 - Profiles updated with a new profile by new member DJ Kash.
May 22 - Check this... The Blue Devilz just got signed to DA Recordz. Go here for more info. Props to Demon for hooking us up.
May 6 - Updated the profiles and links. I'm currently working on a real audio section containing alot of rap songs and all. And if possible some audio freestyles from us. So be on the lookout.
May 3 - News: Kyle K, Al Skratch, and Shokk have formed a 3 man group called Da Graveyard Cru. So expect some hot ish from all 3 of us.
May 1 - Added a profile of Shokk in the Profies and some new Links added.
April 26 - Added a profile of Fatal in the Profiles.

This site is currently in progress of a makeover. So the sight might look crappy for a week or so.

I'd like to thank GOD, Demon for helpin me with this webpage, and i'd like to give a shout out to Lyrical Sweetness, Kaze & tha rest of DA, DE, DaGhetto.com, & Zlived Eulb.