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Little Twin Stars

Kiki & Lala Factfile:

The Little Twin Stars, Kiki the boy-twin and Lala the girl-twin, first appeared in the mid-1980's. They were extremely popular a few years back, but are not as widely known as Hello Kitty and Keroppi. Their trademark is the golden star that always follows them about! Oh, and their white nightgowns are pretty distinctive as well.

Kiki and Lala were born on the Star of Compassion. These mystical twins would often spend their time wondering about life on Earth. They lived with their father, an inventor, and their mother, a poet. Kiki liked to fish for stars, invent things and explore new planets, and Lala loved to draw pictures, write poetry and cook soups.

With permission from Mother-Star and Father-Star, they set out for a visit to Earth. Lala's star wand led them on their journey. Ever since they arrived they have been spreading happiness to everyone they meet. Kiki likes spring and summer best. (He likes to look down on fields of dandelions from his cloud-top perch.) Lala likes fall and winter best. (She loves to write letters to her mother and father while floating in the clear winter sky.)

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