Thursday, December 30th 1999(10:40PM)

Update: Updated Poll Section early just incase if I don't have enough time during the New Years.

Tuesday, December 21st 1999(12:00PM)

Update: Added a new section called Fan Art, Somebdy sent two fan pictures thay made. Click Here to View the New Section. And If you have Fan Arts please E-Mail Me.

Tuesday, December 21st 1999(8:26AM)

Update: Added a link for Steffi 90210 Page.

Friday, December 10th 1999(4:20PM)

News: Last week, Jason Priestley A.K.A. Brandon Walsh was in a auto accident, which caused damage to his brand new 1999 silver Porsche. He was charged of Drunk driving. Also, he has had a divorce with his wife, Ashlee Peterson. Jason Priestley is joining the London cast of the Broadway play Side Man.

Updates: Added Information on the Episode airing on December 22nd 1999.

Saturday, December 4th 1999(12:00AM)

Updates:Added this month topic of the poll. Added last month's poll to the Past Poll Section.