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What's New?

Whew, lack of updates, huh? Sorry about that, just a lot of stuff going on, y'know? Yup. Well, I'm working on a new site, Destiny of Love, which is being posted up on geocities at the time being. I've just put up my friend Emily's fanart. Please go check it out. Thanks. :)

Coming Soon:

Fanart--Emily's fanart is posted.

Mythology in Sailormoon--Wondering where the heck Artemis, Luna and Saturn's glaive comes from?! Covers the mythy characters our Moonie character's names come from.

Character Stats and Info--If your still clueless when Hotaru's birthday comes, be sure to take a look in here and get some special info on your favorite characters.

More reviews on the movies, villians, etc.

My Destiny of Love page will soon be up, sit tight!

Oh yah, PS, feel free to send phanfics or phanart of the senshi.

See you later, ja ne!

:: ¤ ::index:: ¤ ::anime universe:: ¤ ::violet roses:: ¤ ::going so soon?:: ¤ ::arigato!:: ¤ ::awards:: ¤ ::birthday shrines:: ¤ ::adoptions:: ¤ ::fanart:: ¤ ::updates:: ¤ ::