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Anime Universe

Japanese animation (or its correct title, anime) is well, japanese animation. It is slowly becoming popular in America as more great shows are coming into the light. Anime is much more deeper than the average 'cartoon', so don't call it that! Anime deals with more personal and life-like issues like death, suicide, sex, nudity (sad, but yes) and homosexuality. Anime is sometimes considered 'dirty' or 'evil' but its not. Its different. And if you haven't seen it yet, WATCH IT!

Inside A U:

Sailormoon, the ultimate girl's show

Other Otaku's sites

:: ¤ ::index:: ¤ ::anime universe:: ¤ ::violet roses:: ¤ ::going so soon?:: ¤ ::arigato!:: ¤ ::awards:: ¤ ::birthday shrines:: ¤ ::adoptions:: ¤ ::fanart:: ¤ ::updates:: ¤ ::