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What is a friend to me?
Is it someone who can accept me as I do thee?
As a young man of age 18, I was sent off to war ~
Not knowing anyone when Arriving at "C" Company's door.
Was really confused at what was really going on.
A guy come up to me and said, "Welcome to the Herd.
We're all members of the 173RD.  Your a new guy;
And:  I will help you any way I can."
That guy soon became my best friend.
And we shared all the realities of war.
He told me what to look out for;
And said:  "Watch out for Claymores."
As time went by, I began to dread
the elements of the jungle.
My friend was there to give me a bit of a rumble.
There were times that the tables were turned
and for my friend, I gave the same in return.
I'm still looking for my friend, and God only knows...
How much this friend means to me,
And: Hopefully, one day soon, I will see.
His name I will never forget, as the took the time out to accept...
To accept me as a new guy, to show me the ropes;
And:  Never did he ask for anything in return.
He knew I would be there,
As I knew he would be there, too.
For me, a friend is one who can accept a person,
Just as he is - his feelings, his thoughts, and his ideas,
And the same shall be returned in the same fashion.
Not always agreeing; But:  able to talk it out,
Without grieving, without deceiving.
These types of friends are rare ...
But:  I have one - named LARRY BLAIR.

All of the guys of the 173RD, please, let it be heard from me:
All of you are special friends to me.
With that said ... I will never forget the Dead.
Sad as it is, I lost friends who gave it all;
And:  For the rest of my life, they stand tall.


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