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A young man, age 18 - Sent to Viet nam
Pulled out of his family and thrust into War.
He finds out first hand the horrors that pour out of
Being in combat and not knowing what to expect ...
For in the Deep Jungle There, was too awfula threat.
Facing his Death each and every day,
Soon begins to take its' toll.
And he says,
"Why does this have to be?  Used to be fun to play;
But:  Here, there is no way."
Humping through Thick Jungle Brush,
Never knowing when you would hear and feel the rush ~
The rush of adrenaline in your veins,
from intense enemy combat reins.

Oh, if the family could only know
All the Shit we had to suffer and grow -
See the Life Drain out of a Buddy is a dread.
Then the awful words of the Medic said, "DEAD"
Glad family doesn't have to see and hear of this.
Then you think of the Buddy's family - and get Pissed.
Hate begins to build from within
Want to kill again and again.

Writing letters home to them, the family ~
Always assuring them that all's A-Okay.
When arriving home from the war,
The Family Sees in the eyes, Of What Its done;
And:  Says, "Welcome Home, Son."

I think for a moment of the ones who didn't make it home,
Then lock it away with all the other feelings ~
Then talk of it No More.
These are things that Families Have to Endure.
Sad, Yes; But:  The son they once knew, Was No More.
He was a Son with many a Door.
Not only did the Sons of War have to suffer,
Families paid a High Price with the Ultimate Offer.

The healing is never over for the Family,
Or the Soldiers.
It's a life long thing ...
Not loving for fear of losing,
Families and war - All one in the same,
Not looking for anyone to blame,
Looking for some sort of Peace of Mind.
Hope all find that and understand why their son,
is the way he is, for He himself don't Understand.
But:  those of you who are in command, be it heard:
Wars are a family thing, with no medal, no flags.
To heal what has been wounded and torn apart,
It's just a life long struggle for a family.
Hope God finds a way into all Families' Hearts;
And:  Ease the awful pains that tear apart.
to the Families and Brothers of the 173RD Airborne.

Hope this message gets into the war rooms.
God give peace and comfort to the families of the dead;
And:  also to the living, so we can stop this Dread.


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