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Win My Awards

Hi. As a new feature I have decided to start giving 2 awards away for sites which I think are interesting and yet have something to offer people who visit them. The first award is harder to win and is awarded for homepage excellence. The second award which you are likely to win if you apply, is easier to win and is given for great work creating your site.
The criteria for my site are:
Not adult-orientated sites
Must be for all ages
Must be a personal site
You must have signed my guestbook

My awards are above and if you would like to recieve an award and meet my criteria fill in this form below.

If I feel you qualify I will give you notification within one week.

Lyns’ Cool Site Award Application

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:
Homepage Address:
Do you meet my criteria?
Which award are you applying for and why should I consider your site:
FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm

If you don't want to fill in the form above then e-mail me Here

Click here to see the previous winners of my awards