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Hi My name is Jennifer M. S. Miller. Gosh, what and how do you express your intire self into a short paragraph in a web page??? I am an outgoing girl that is in her first year of college at Washington State University. I am majoring in Advertising. I like movies and I really love horror movies, 80's cult teen classic movies like the Molly Ringwald type, dect-out old english type victorian movies like Little Women, and Shakespearan movies as well. I love skateboarding I don't do it myself but, I love to watch at the local skate parks I just think that it is the best thing in the world. I also love going to punk concerts and any type of rock concert even if it is a small garage. I just like the sound and lyrics. I like to just talk with friends and hang out. I know sounds like a typical teen right??? I am a lot different though I think so anyways.


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Yeah Roughly Me in a Nut Shell...

  • I am friendly (which isn't always my best trait)
  • I love Rock, Punk, Alternative, Grunge, Techno music!!!
  • I don't like any type of predjudice especially towards my friend. I stick up for my friends 10X as much as I do for myself???

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