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Eliminate Tax Debt &Tax Debt Elimination Basics

We Specialize in Resolving Tax Debt, Lien or Levy Problems.  Everyday we help people just like YOU.  Basic Information Regarding Tax Debt Elilmination and Negotiation. You CAN bankrupt against the IRS.You must use caution when considering whether bankruptcy will eliminate tax debt.Even when bankruptcy can help, most clients want to avoid bankruptcy if possible. While certain tax debts are eliminated by bankruptcy, NOT all tax debts can be eliminated. An Offer in Compromise is often a much better alternative than bankruptcy, and the Offer can erase ALL your tax debts - even if bankruptcy won't  !If you qualify for bankruptcy, you probably qualify for an Offer in Compromise.If you are considering bankruptcy because of federal taxes, you should carefully examine all your other options first - options which can stop the IRS. Why ruin your credit more than you have to? If you have taxes which could be eliminated by bankruptcy, the IRS must take that into consideration when you submit an Offer in Compromise. With the IRS' new Offer in Compromise rules, bankruptcy should only be used when there is no other alternative available.For your FREE "No Risk" Consultation:Call 1-800-509-2770.

IRS Tax Help Relief
Help now with IRS levies and liens Negotiate for Pennies on the Dollar
Commercial Collections
Find out about our Free Demand! 42 years of integrity & experience
Trust Fund Penalty Help
Offer in Compromise may be the way out. By former IRS attorneys
Total Debt Elimination
Slash amount owed by 40% or more See your 5 options to freedom

We Specialize in Resolving Tax Debt, Lien or Levy Problems.    Your Tax Debt can be Resolved and Oftentimes Eliminated altogether...   Everyday we help people just like YOU.  Basic Information Regarding Tax Debt Elilmination and Negotiation. You CAN bankrupt against the IRS.You must use caution when considering whether bankruptcy will eliminate tax debt.Even when bankruptcy can help, most clients want to avoid bankruptcy if possible. While certain tax debts are eliminated by bankruptcy, NOT all tax debts can be eliminated. An Offer in Compromise is often a much better alternative than bankruptcy, and the Offer can erase ALL your tax debts - even if bankruptcy won't  !If you qualify for bankruptcy, you probably qualify for an Offer in Compromise.If you are considering bankruptcy because of federal taxes, you should carefully examine all your other options first - options which can stop the IRS. Why ruin your credit more than you have to? If you have taxes which could be eliminated by bankruptcy, the IRS must take that into consideration when you submit an Offer in Compromise. With the IRS' new Offer in Compromise rules, bankruptcy should only be used when there is no other alternative available.For your FREE "No Risk" Consultation:Call 1-800-509-2770.There are a lot of options available and we will study your situation and advise you as to the best way to proceed.   There are certain provisions for being able to eliminate Tax Debts, rules regarding Collectibility, Special I.R.S. Categories that you can fit into if you are unable to pay that can keep you immune from any collection efforts by the I.R.S.'s own rules.  Many Accountants and Lawyers know nothing about this area of practice.  Even seasoned I.R.S. agents are not aware of many of these options.  However they are there and are legal options available to all Taxpayers.   We have handled all of these situations many times and some of our experiences have included a 7 million Dollar debt to the I.R.S.  of which the Taxpayer never had to pay even One Dollar due to the fact that we negotiated with the I.R.S. to have it filed away as uncollectible.  Another situation was a $50,000 penalty negotiated to $0.00  by our firm drafting a letter to the right department outlining the legal reasons from the I.R.S.'s  own guidelines  as to why the debt could be compromised.   We negotiated for a Businessman who owed over $200,000 in trust fund taxes and got the full amount waived with the understanding that he would stay current in the future.    Also there is the option of filing an Offer in Compromise to pay as little as ten cents on the dollar on any debt owed which is an option in certain cases.    There are provisions in the Bankruptcy Law allowing discharging of Tax Debt under certain situations and with certain preparations including time periods being met.  There are little  known I.R.S. guidelines regarding uncollectibility and how you can fit into that previledged category.   There are statutes, if certain provisions are met and applied for, that end the collection process unless you make a deal with them during the time period.   We can also file for an Abatement of Penalties and file a petition for a Non-Assessment of penalties and interest...  
These are matters that require expertise.  If you owe the I.R.S. there are plenty of options available and if you are in a hardship situation, or the debt is considerable,  much can be done to alleviate the situation.  We have had much practice in this area of taxation and can help you through the worst debt problem that is possible.  We will always be able to remove the emergency and the fear from the situation.  
When the Internal Revenue Service sends you a "Letter of Intent to Levy" or any threatening letter we can remove that threat.  In every case we can get additional time that is usually very essential for preparing for these situations... usually we can get many months and in most cases years...  giving you time to either resolve the case, for us to get an offer accepted or for the case to be forgotten, put on hold or filed away as uncollectible.  This is always our strategy...     We can assure you that if you owe the I.R.S. that something can be done to help eliminate the problem or alleviate the crisis.  We guarantee that if you owe the I.R.S. that we can help you.   There are many solutions that would seem impossible but they are available.    We will review your situation and advise you as to the best approach to solve the problem.  Email us or call us today and we will handle your Tax Debt Negotiation and Resolution...    States that we have service available include all 50 States in the USA:  
Nevada,  Florida, Washington,  Delaware, California, Texas, Alaska, New York, Arkansas, Idaho, Virginia, West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Dakota, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Maine, Arizona, Iowa, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Montana, Colorado, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Ohio, Hawaii, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Connecticut, South Dakota, Oregon, Washington DC,  Every State in the USA...Internet & Web Site Advertising and Marketing  Consulting Venture Capital Development & Assistance Corporation Set-Up & Advising/Consulting Offshore Banking Assistance US Visa Services -Immigrant & Non-Immigrant Visa Fundraising Service for Businesses & Non-Profit Organizations Broker Service Business Sale Price & Market Value Evaluation & Valuation IRS Tax Exempt 501C(3) Status Filing and Securement Income Tax Problem Resolution & Advising Loan & Business Capital Fund Raising, Business Capitalization Business Plan Preparation and Development Credit Repair Services and Credit Report Cleanup Trademark, SalesMark, Patent & Copyright Application Product Representation and Market Placement Government Grant Securement Unclaimed Property Resolution Service WebSite Listing Service to all Search Engines & Yahoo Listing Investment Consulting & Business Opportunity Investments SBA Loan Package Preparation & Application I.R.S. Offer in Compromise Preparation & Advising Business Incorporation & Sub S Election, LLC, LLP Filing Business ExpansionCapital Development & Fundraising Government Contract Securement-SBA8(a) Programs Set Up Marketing & Advertising Plan Development Corporation Expansion Consulting & Development Payroll Tax Debt Negotiation & Elimination Financial Consulting & Advising Negotiation Service, Contract Negotiation, Arbitration