DarkMagic's SailorMoon & SailorScout HomePage

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DarkMagic's CopyRight

The BackRound Sound You Are Hearing Is: DeathOfSailorMars.mid,this Sound Cant be found any Where else,so if it is found on anther site,then the owner of the site took it from this site.

hello all that pass into the realm that i call DarkMagic's SM & SC HomePage, where DarkMagic, does see the light. here you will find Tons of things, and a bit of magic(you'll see), i have Copywrited everything on this page, so think,before you go ahead and save a picture, cause i know everything about you by the time you finsh reading this.you see, i use a bit of magic, and a tracking system, you cant see it,cause i have custom dezigned it to track you,without a trace.please-dont take my image's.thank you..this message is from: The Webmaster-DarkMagic4:-®tm

The Star Is Comeing, ShootingStar4.com, Release's on: June 7th. ,ShootingStar4.com, Info On DarkMagic. Released on: June7th.

Guestbook by guestworld

'Prom Night'

'Prom'Night', everyones invited,new comer's,old comers,any person(ecp for a few from sm chat).come on by,and cheak it out!!!!!!'prom'Night' Will Be On: Sunday May30th 1999 11:30 Am Central Time Zone..the 'Prom' will start at 11:30 Am central time.and will end when everyone has left.the 'Prom'Night' Room will be open @ 10:00 Am,central time zone. so get there early!!and avoid the crowd!!injoy!!!!!& you dont have to have a Date To Get In(but you can,if you want)couple's & non couples can still come in!!!!cheak it out!!!!
Click Here To Enter The 'Prom'..'Prom'Night'
DarkMagic's SM Chat

DM'S Chat is where you can talk about SailorMoon or anything at all. there are some pretty nice guys in there,cheak it out some time,and chat with other people just like you,ya moonies!!!j/k!!!Injoy The Chat!!!!

Click Here To Enter DarkMagic's SM Chat


*New* i am with HentaiFree, a group that HATES hentai(nude crud)it is bad,and tasteless,people who look at it, should drop dead.i Dislike Hentai, and i try to stop it by makeing banners, and asking people to join..i am makeing a club that is about HATEING hentai, soif your with me, then join in, and sign up!!free of charge.

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