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This page serves as the disclaimer for the C.A.B.S. webpage. Please take this page and everything on it lightly. We here at C.A.B.S. have no true plans to murder Britney, her cohorts, her representatives or her managers. We do not promote or condone violence of any kind. We do not suggest that small children view this site, or Britney fans . . . but aren't those the same people?? ;-P Anyhow, please realize that the views expressed on this webpage are simply opinions, some rumors, and a few snipes and insults. So what if we're cynical? There is one main point to all of this : we are making it your choice to enter, therefore if you don't like what you see, you can't sue. But if you "strongly dislike* Britney as much as we do, we think you will enjoy it. Have fun! AND FINALLY, IF WE WERE JEALOUS OF HER, WHY WOULD WE MAKE FUN??? YOU DON'T MAKE FUN OF SOMEONE YOU ENVY!!! AND THIS SITE IS RUN BY A COALITION OF MALE AND FEMALE MEMBERS! Thank you for taking the time to read this disclaimer. Have a Britney-Free Day!

To Enter C.A.B.S - You Dislike Britney And Agree to The Terms Above!
To Leave C.A.B.S. - You Are In The Wrong Place!
