Welcome to Bitsy's Photo Album! Bitsy, my miniature dachsy, has compiled some pictures of all her dog cousins, favorite cats, and pet birds for your viewing pleasure!
    Included are small profiles of each animal that include birthdays, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and a little background from each animal's own point of view. We hope you will enjoy looking through the cute, funny, and sweet pictures of Bitsy's friends.






 Meet Bitsy

Meet Daphne

 Meet Ariel

Bitsy's Bumble Jumble Room 1

 Meet Milly

Meet Suzie

 Meet Madison!

Bitsy’s Bumble Jumble Room 2

 Meet Beauford!

  Meet Zippy

  Tribute to Dolly and Saturn

Baby Picture Album

 Meet Tilly!

Meet Zoe and Toby

 Ariel's Escape Plan

Party Time!

 Meet Maggie

Tribute to Ashley



 Meet Flynn

Tribute to Pawsie



  Meet Finneas 

Tribute to Perky




Astronomy For Kids!


Eema's Country!


Scoom - Bring a little baloney into your lives


John Bell's Digital Art Gallery