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Wellness & Fitness

Personal trainers, professional chefs preparing healthy gourmet cuisine, and meal planning. These services provided in your home by scheduled appointment. Certified by the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research. Serving the Fredericksburg area.

(972) 681-0331

By Appointment Only









William T. (Bill) McPherson, CPT, CDC

Wellness & Fitness Professionals

Personal Fitness Training

Our personal training programs help individuals develop a healthy lifestyle through exercise, healthy eating, and stress reduction. Exercise sessions are conducted in the privacy of your home. PLEASE CALL OR E-MAIL FOR IN-HOME PERSONAL TRAINING AND PERSONAL CHEF INFORMATION   More...

Last updated:
Jan., 2004

What's New?

Childhood Nutrition: Who's Responsible? Is your child learning bad eating habits at school?

A Perspective on Weight Loss: How long will it take?

The Exercise Experience: A Dimension of Mind and Body.

Healthy recipe of the month: Cream of Mushroom Soup

Should you jog or walk to lose weight? The answer may surprise you!

Whether you are eating out or cooking at home, you need to know about preventing foodborne illness.

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YOUR PERSONAL CHEF! HEALTHY, UPSCALE CUISINE delivered right to your fridge.Maximum nutrition at an affordable price They're healthy, delicious, attractive and it's so easy. We'll plan and prepare your meals according to personal preference - all meals are prepared fresh. E-Mail now and ask for more informaiton. Serve our gourmet appetizers or complete meals at your next party or business function.

Nutrition Counseling and Cooking Skills

Manage your weight and get educated with our diet analysis, personal counseling, meal planning, cookbook, and professional cooking classes.   More...

Business Consultation for Fitness Professionals

Professional business planning services and training for fitness instructors who would like to open their own private personal training business. ADVANCED BUSINESS CONCEPTS for the INDEPENDENT FITNESS PROFESSIONAL and PRIVATE STUDIO OPERATIONS MANUAL now on sale by e-book.  More...


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