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Somatotrophin - Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced and stored in the pituitary gland. It is widely recognized for powerful anabolic effects as well as its effects in breaking down fat. When HGH is produced in the body, it binds to receptors found on the surface of liver cells. HGH will stimulate them to release more IGF-1 insulin-like growth factors. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, HGH supplementation will substantially increase lean muscle and decrease bodyfat. Meritech's HGH (Somatotropin ) has been shown to increase HGH levels by as much as 70%. It is suspended in an alcohol base, so it bypasses the digestive tract and goes directly into the bloodstream. The Dec/98 issue of MuscleMag contains a 6 page article on this amazing new supplement.

IMPORTANT. When taking this product it is important to keep your nitrogen balance positive. Therefore you must keep protein intake at 1.5-2.0 grams per lb of lean muscle mass (yours) daily. (i.e. eat lots of meat or take a protein supplement)

Meritech Somatotrophin Human Growth Hormone Formula 1- month cycle $65.00Retail price is $90.00!

MHP Secretagogue One- This is downright good stuff, with lab tests and all to back it up (do as earch on Webcrawler for MHP Secretagogue and go to their homepage, read for yourself.
Retail is $75-$90
You pay: $53

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