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Illegitimate Sonofabush

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Voter Rights March - San Francisco/Washington, DC

Voter March website

San Francisco Voter March website
We had about 1,000-1,200 participants at the Voter Rights March to Restore Democracy on Saturday, May 19th, 2001 in San Francsco at the Civic Center Plaza in front of City Hall. We gathered at Justin Hermann Plaza (foot of Market Street) and at about 10:45am, we began marching up Market Street with our banners and many, creative protest signs, voicing our displeasure with the present illegitimate bush administration. Our counterpart Voter March event in Washington, DC drew approximately 3,000 people. You can view news and photos of the San Francisco event at San Francisco Indymedia
There are plans being considered for a protest in Washington, DC on Dec. 12th, 2001 to respond to the one year anniversary of the supreme criminal injustices decision to select bush.

Check out the photos from our Sat., May 19th, 2001 march/rally in San Francisco - that many of you missed:

anti-shrub marchers on Market Street in San Francisco




Send $2 donation for each sticker to:

A First Amendment Center
PO Box 4851
Berkeley, Ca 94704

Make check out to:

JOHN VANCE c/o A First Amendment Center

You MUST write JOHN VANCE c/o A First Amendment Center on the check.
Many people have been putting "A First Amendment Center" only - you MUST
put my name in the PAY TO: space as well. Thank you ---

All stickers are a $2 donation each plus shipping.
(Depends on quantity, of course) Send me an email to inquire of minimal shipping costs.)


We have 16 different 2 1/4" buttons (black and white) that are a $1 donation for each plus minimal shipping costs.

We also have a Mumia button in here on display. i have made a Che Guevara and
Emiliano Zapata button (2 1/4") in red - not displayed - but good-looking buttons

Clich HERE to VIEW Our Button Collection Gallery

Click on Stickers Below that are Highlighted to VIEW them! -------

Bush and Gore make me wanna RALPH
George W. Bush

Prune the SHRUB
IMPEACH BUSH (B&W Button only)
Bush IS a plant. (B&W Button for now - will be a sticker soon!)
STOLEN ELECTION 2000 (B&W Button only)
We will NOT get over it! (B&W Button/Bumpersticker available/not sure of color, yet!)
The last time people listened to a --- bush --- they wandered in the desert for forty years
He's not my president!
BUllSHit Bumpersticker
PRESIDENT "SELECT" (B&W Button only)
We, the people...DISSENT


We will not get over it! (b&w)
FUCK BUSH (purple & white)
Bush is a Plant (green & white)
ABORT BUSH (blue & white)

i will try and get photos up on these two latest stickers as soon a i can.
i also strongly suggest that everyone check out Bill's Best Links (BELOW) and look under
his "Bumperstickers" links. There are some really good ones.

If you have any good ideas for a short, funny -- but serious slogan -- that we can
put on a button or bumpersticker, please send an E-Mail:

Purchase Order Document


Bill's Best Links - lotsa lotsa lotsa anti-shrub links
Oral Majority Online Challenge of Presidential Election "Fraud" in Florida Petition Bu$h'$ Monsanto [PELICAN BRIEF] Connection Bu$h's Game of Duck and Cover impeach the bu$h$ 1...2...3...4 Throw Those Bozos Out the Door! bu$h LOST Red Flags in Florida illegitimate bu$h Working for Change J20 A20 Bush Inaugural Special: 100 Links to Bush info The following are links to information about the Bush family,the Bush cabinet
appointees and the corporations, think tanks and foundations that are behind the GW Bush administration. My including these links to materials other than the articles I wrote is not to be considered an endorsement of any statement they contain. These links connect to sites run by the left, the religious right, conservative think tanks, political independents and the mainstream media. Some are pro-Bush and are included for cross reference value. All links were good as of this writing so if you get a message to the contrary keep trying - they are busy sites. When you cut and paste the web adresses or type them in there must be no added spaces or characters or else you will not be able to access the sites. Within each of these sites you can do a word search on Bush or any other word or name that interests you. These materials, which are only a tiny fraction of what's out there, will help you to see through the blitzkrieg of false information we are all being subject to about GW Bush and his cabinet. Please forward these links to your friends, the media, elected officials and anyone else with an interest in knowing the real story behind the 43rd President of the United States. This list was compiled by Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists1 Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 743-3722 Lederman articles on the Bush connection to Nazis, eugenics and drug companies. Also articles on West Nile Virus, Giuliani, the Manhattan Institute - more than 50 articles filled with references: The Bu$h Connection Articles by Robert Lederman An exceptional article on the relationship between American conservatives, GW Bush, so-called compassionate conservatism, eugenics and the Nazis: Nazis In America by Myrna Estep Ph. D Bu$h Financial Misconduct Bush family background The Triple Crown Dream Elkhorn Manifesto Behind the Bu$he$: The New Generation CIA Drug Trafficking Hitler's Ladder to Power Bu$h's Family Value$ The $hrub'$ Funding $candal The Bu$h Doctrine: Bomb Iraq Forever Online Journal A $hrub Grows in Midland The Family that Prey$ Together Looking Behind the Bu$he$ Bu$hWatch George Bu$h, $r., Unauthorized Biography Life Issues: Planned Parenthood $hame on Tho$e Who Voted for the $hrub! Albion Monitor: Type bu$h in search box CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party A Fresh Look: Nazis and the RepubliKKKan Party Old Nazis, the New Right and the RepubliKKKan Party Unholy Trinity Mae Brussell The John Birch Society Philadelphia Enquirer 9/10/98 David Lee Preston, "Fired Bu$h backer one of several with po$$ible Nazi links," September 10, 1988. The CIA Nazi recruitment program - many of the think tanks and organizations behind Bush got their ideas directly from these former Nazi officials. Project Paperclip Head of Florida holocaust Museum links Bu$h family to Nazis -John Loftus, former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes investigator and President of the Florida Holocaust Museum quoted in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000 "The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich." 4/14/1990 New York Times quotes George Bu$h as stating, "Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals." US releases Nazi documents (AP) Josef Goebbels on Propaganda - Understand How the "Big Lie" Techniques Used by the Bu$h Campaign Work Eugenics sites (the Bush family are among the world's top advocates for eugenics) The Eugenics Movement in the U.S. Introduction to Eugenics The NeoEugenics Website 'Darkness in Eldorado' Shaping Genes (Alcoa, which plays a major role in the Bu$h administration, is the world's leading producer of fluoride and was a leading ally of Nazi Germany) A Chronology of Fluoridation Gulf War Syndrome and how the George Bu$h administration supplied Iraq with chemical and biological warfare materials, allowed US servicemen and women to be exposed to them and then covered up the entire scandal by Air Force Captain Joyce Riley Gulf War Syndrome TRUTH Behind the Gulf War Syndrome
bush dick

A Very Interesting Chronology of World Events Related to the Bu$h Family and the New Administration's Goals Cheney links Campaign 2000 on Dick Cheney Bu$h Doesn't Know Dick! Stolen Election - Fraudulent President Why We Must Defeat Ollie North Cheney at the Helm - The Progressive Why I Don't Like dick Cheney by Larry Jordan Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door Military-Industrial Complex Revisited: Introduction Military-Industrial Complex Revisited:Globocop "A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."-William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937.
See: Shadow of the Swastika
Trading with the Enemy Powell Took Hefty Fee from Lebanese Just Before Election Ashcroft and white supremacists
NY Observer January 11, 2001
Coors - the RIGHT beer now Articles on WACL: World Anti-Communist League The Heritage Foundation: Power Elites The Bell Curve and the Pioneer Fund (The Bell Curve is the socialogical text that is the source behind many of the Bu$h'$ cabinet appointees ideas on African Americans, welfare reform, affirmative action, school vouchers, voting rights etc. It's author, Charles Murray, is directly connected to more than half of Bu$h'$ cabinet appointees and advisors) Bell Curve and the Pioneer Fund Racism Resurgent - Bell Curve Links About Eugenics: History and Opinions THE NEW YORK TIMES - 12/11/97 Pioneer Fund Backs Controversial Study of "Racial Betterment" Monsanto (NOT) Bu$h has Controversial Bio Removed from Stores Editor Quits Over Bu$h Bio Impbroglio (GW Bu$h will be sworn in on a masonic bible) Masons and US Presidency connection [scroll down to Bu$h section] Quotes by BuSh, Kissinger etc. on the New World Order American Patriot Information Bu$h, Hitler, Skull and Bones Connection To access thousands of web sites with detailed information on the Bu$h/Nazi connection go to a good search engine such as and type in Bu$h AND Nazi. Likewise if you type in Alcoa AND Nazi or Ford AND Nazi etc. you'll get thousands of pages of information on these connections. Other excellent search engines to search for Bu$h links Excite Search Engine Google Search Engine in Spanish Raging Search Engine Yahoo Search Engine Webcrawler Search Engine Mama Search Engine Google NY Times Navigator Scrub the Web Search Engine Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 743-3722 PLEASE FORWARD AND POST WIDELY Impeach GW Bush! To search for the thousands of websites with material on Bu$h and the Nazis use a good search engine such as and just type in Bu$h AND Nazi or US corporation AND Nazi or Bell Curve AND Pioneer Fund.

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