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Meet Your Doll's Creator

Judith Ann Miller

Have you ever wondered who was behind the newest addition to your family? The answer is, Judy - designer & creator of the ethnic Raggedys you have seen here.

Judy began sewing early in life and purchased her first Singer© sewing machine in high school. She designed and constructed clothing for herself and her two girls along with a menagerie of stuffed animal friends. Judy's first daughter prompted her to make her first set of dolls.

After her little girls grew up, Judy put away her patterns and became a realtor in Ohio. After the retirement of her husband, Judy found quite a lot of time on her hands. She has always been taken with Asian art and culture and decided to make a Geisha-like raggedy. Web people, like yourself, loved it and asked for dolls of other cultures as well. 

Judy now sews dolls full time on a number of machines across the United States.  Feel free to email her with questions or comments.

The characters Raggedy Ann and Andy are copyrighted by Johnny D. Gruelle and are currently licensed to Simon and Schuster and to Hasbro-Playskool. Our Raggedy Dolls are not affiliated with or sponsored by the Gruelles, Simon and Schuster or Hasbro-Playskool.