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   I think that toilets are ugly and drab.  They are never cute. When was the last time you saw a pretty toielt? Is there even a such thing? They are always white or off white. I think  several things need to be done in our society to improve this!! Many great things... beginning with toilet design.
    ARE THE PEOPLE WHO DESIGN TOILETS SHAPED LIKE A SQUARE? My bottom never fits on them. I  almost fall in sometimes. And if it is is public toilet I hate sitting down onthem.  AND JUST HOW MANY LIDS DOES A TOILET NEED? WHy can they make the seat part built in? It would save a lot of complaining... women telling men to keep the seat down and such. That would make the divorce rate go down right there... making built in seats. It would save... "stuff" too, whatever toilet seats are made out of... more plastic in the world, more oil, cheaper toilets and gasoline. I got it!
          1 toilet seat = more gas in the world = cheaper gas!!
Why cant things really be that easy?? Why hasn't anyone thought of that before?

   Plus, going to the john is never fun. Why don't people make toilets pretty? I could use a nice lime green one, or maybe even an orange one. OH YEAH!! ORANGE TOILET!!! WHy do they have to be shaped so funny? I mean, could make something that does the same job and plumbing and stuff that was much more creative. Think about it.

    They depress me. The people have so much fun drinking surge! I wanna be in a surge commercial! It looks sooo fun! I drink surge and I end up spilling it. No fun there. MountainDew is the same way, maybe even better. I like mountain dew better. I wish my school had mountain dew. We have coke stuff : (. And if " Image is Nothing" and Sprite is so great and stuff why doesn't sprite open up some houses to feed the poor????WHy do they continue to make commericals?
    Let see... Pepsi. How can an ENTIRE generation be identified with soda?? And that ad campaign has been going on so long...its about two generations. AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS "GENERATION NEXT" deal? Is it aimed at pregnant women?
    Coke is just dumb, period( . ) I am being hippocritical because I do drink all these sodas, but what else is there to drink? Last decent soda comemrcial i saw... the mountain dew commerical that Johnny Rotten sang. It was a fun commerical, a car driving around fast. I guess it was in 95 or 93... maybe 94 i dunno. Anyway... more complaints later.

    I think girls are stupid. Yes, I may be a girl, but that doesn't mean I have to like them all. Most girls are whiny and annoying and like butterflies and blame everything on their period. And how can a girl listen to NSYNC? Or the backstreetboys? It is awful! Girls are just... dumb.